Anyone have any real stats comparing them?
When I look at a pool site like, I see 23 different miners versions being used. Some of those are AMD or CPU but the vast majority are Nvidia miners. There is Enemy 1.03, zealot Enemy 1.0, 2.2.5, Nevermore 0.1, Superminer 1.1, 1.4. 1.5 and 1.6, Raven miner 2.2.5, and more.
i would just like to know which is the most stable.
my previously rock solid rig (when on eth and equihash) has the various rvn miners crash regularly (tried most all of em), sometimes in a few minutes, sometimes in a few hours. rig keeps going on cdm with eth, just the rvn miner stops. so the system stability is good, just the miner crashes.
381.x nv driver, bone stock settings on the cards. 8gb mem, 50 gigs vm, 1600 watts of evga ps using around 1200 at the moment. win10 pro. -i 19 but have tried lower. 2x1080ti, 1070ti, 1070
guess ill just keep playing with it.
I'm using enemy miner for weeks on two rigs including OC without any crashes.