Look here : https://etherscan.io/token/0x9214ec02cb71cba0ada6896b8da260736a67ab10?a=0x2137000dc551e84cd66b6c84cdb3fd3da4ed45a8
They send 362 000 real there.
and almost all real went to that address ...
Are they testing the platform ?
i guess they are selling it on gatecoin. some free coins to cash out.
I guess some people bought real with 75% discount the price the normal guy paid, so until now they were monetizing. otherwise, the price would never drop that low. Anyway, if you invested wise and still have money left, its the perfect time to get a bigger stake in project and lowering your entry price. the only risk is, that the delayed, less funded roadmap will show us the platform going live probably end of q1
if it's like you said, it can be GSR, a partner, who are selling real (and maybe buying real)?