Shitty organize, worst bounty ever. And they kicked me because I said that lol? They will unsuccessful. Also they say Refereum(useless shit) is steam in cryptocurrency but they have just shitty games.
It is your wish whether to participate or not in their refereum like you there are many people working on the website. They will share according to the credits you have.
It is true that no one force him to partecipate, but everyone can agree that the "bounties" rewards on refereum site are ridicolous... spent days for receive like 40 refereum tokens, worth less than 10 cents. Atleast they could advice us about the rewards before we spend days on the site for earn something..
well, after the first season many people now know how much is the reward, so they will think better if worth join or not.
no FUD here. You spent 5 mins and probably earned some points, ok, but what about watching videos? what about sponsoring the refferral links out there? Reedem daily video is easy and take only 3 mins/day but the all other tasks are not so easy like this..