Rein is designed to help you conduct freelancing transactions safely and easily. Clients can post jobs to Rein's decentralized network and freelancers can submit bids on available jobs.
As of now, the best use of Rein is to build, fund and manage multisig escrows to ensure each party gets what they want in a job. Along with the escrows, job descriptions, bid amounts, and timing are cryptographically signed by participants to a job. That way, if anything goes wrong the mediator can pay out or return funds as necessary.
The Mission: Create a decentralized market to enable people to work and have work done in exchange for bitcoin.
Learn more...Setup Guide HOWTO: Setup ReinDevelopment RoadmapWe have a few tasks on our
development roadmap for which we're looking for developers. Since we want to help grow the Bitcoin development community and many devs are interested to grow their skills, we've been able to do a ton with not a lot of funds.
If you can help with funding, PM me. Your donations can go directly to escrow for specific features.
TimelineOct. 2015 - Planning begins
Jan 2016 - Alpha tagged, command-line version
March 2016 - First transaction completed - a digital painting
May 2016 - Tor support
Oct 2016 - Web-based user interface
Nov 2016 - Rein is used for several jobs to improve Rein per the development roadmap
Feb 2017 - v0.3.0 Beta released with bip32 setup, transaction sign&send, ratings
Bitcoin Freelance Marketplace Rein Launches in BetaBitcoinist:
The Rein Project Completes First Freelance ContractBrave New Coin:
Bitcoin-only decentralized marketplace, Rein, targets growing freelance
Rein’s Experiment in Decentralized Labor: An Interview with David SterryBetByBitcoin:
Review decentralized freelance market – ReinSoftwareLatest release: v0.3.0-beta
Python-rein client - Client for Rein.
Causeway server - Run a server and get paid for providing microhosting. Grants microhosting space, ECDSA signature auth, stores and returns key/value pairs. Also responds to queries for specific types of documents like job postings, bids, deliveries, or all documents by job ID.
To get setup see the README for python-rein: more info, see: