
Topic: [ANN] [RNS] Introducing Renos - A community based altcoin - Airdrop complete - page 33. (Read 31670 times)

sr. member
Activity: 812
Merit: 250

Algorithm: Scrypt

Multipool (with intent to purchase RNS daily) – 50,000 RNS

Does it mean RNS is still mineable?

Network power: POS
sr. member
Activity: 1316
Merit: 254
United Crowd
windows wallet working smothy in here Smiley
just send you pm for test out, thankyou
hero member
Activity: 643
Merit: 501
Crypto Mentat

Algorithm: Scrypt

Multipool (with intent to purchase RNS daily) – 50,000 RNS

Does it mean RNS is still mineable?
Activity: 1647
Merit: 1012
Practising Hebrew before visiting Israel
Thanks for airdrop! I wish you much success!
Activity: 29
Merit: 0
full member
Activity: 124
Merit: 100
Hi everyone,

Thanks for the amazing response, only in the first hour of launch and I've distributed coins to 24 people already. There are more PM's so I'm working my way through them as quick as possible.

Virustotal had 0/58 hits, but as you should do with all untested executables, run this wallet in a sandbox or virtual machine.

^ This is good advice, I haven't put a virus in the wallet but better safe than sorry.

I want to join the free distribution of RNS, The Airdrop of Renos still availabe ?

The airdrop is still avaliable, I will post updates at milestones as to how many spots are left.

Getting a few messages about twitter and I'm going to hold off on doing sending out coins for that for a week, the amount you get given is dependant on impressions and interactions so if you leave the tweet out for a week it should build up more over time.

Also does anyone have suggestions on an escrow i can get in contact with, so that i can send them the development fund and get them to set up a btc address if anyone wants to buy extra RNS?
hero member
Activity: 952
Merit: 500
Joining, downloaded source and compiling linux wallet!
hero member
Activity: 638
Merit: 500
sr. member
Activity: 1330
Merit: 251
coins received. Thank you . I will watch this coin. good (Windows) purse
Activity: 1
Merit: 0
hero member
Activity: 531
Merit: 500
AMD | Mining | NVIDIA
Got my 30k. Thank you!
sr. member
Activity: 616
Merit: 250
I want to join the free distribution of RNS, The Airdrop of Renos still availabe ?
Activity: 1517
Merit: 1042
Virustotal had 0/58 hits, but as you should do with all untested executables, run this wallet in a sandbox or virtual machine.

got muh 30k with thanks.
hero member
Activity: 1176
Merit: 512
Received 30k rns. Thanks
hero member
Activity: 706
Merit: 500
i would like to be in this community of friends who meme together

Renos community chat:

memers welcomed
Activity: 39
Merit: 0
Received RNS. Thanks!
sr. member
Activity: 812
Merit: 250
Wallet Downloaded. Goodluck with he new coin!

[edit] Received 30k. Thank you!
Activity: 1050
Merit: 1000
hero member
Activity: 1652
Merit: 593
full member
Activity: 124
Merit: 100

Renos is a minimalistic cryptocurrency with a primary goal to build a strong internet community.
A successful coin stems from a large user base and as a result an economy begins to grow around it.
This is why Bitcoin is the most successful and why many of the multi-million dollar valued cryptocurrencies thrive today.

Ticker: RNS
Algorithm: Scrypt
Network power: POS
Block Time: 60 seconds
Stake rate: 1%
Maturity: 60 Blocks
TX Fee: 0.2 RNS

There are 33,333,333 coins created.

We are aiming for an initial 1000 users in our first month. They are entitled to 30,000 RNS which will be distributed on a first come first serve basis.

To do so you must:

 - Have a bitcointalk account created before 1/2/2017
 - Download the wallet
 - PM me your RNS address
 - I will send out the coins.

If people wish to obtain more RNS, they can do so in multiples of 30,000 at a rate of 0.1 BTC. Any Bitcoin exchanged will be added to the development fund.

It's a very pleasure to announce that i have been entitiled as escrow by Renos dev

Hash: SHA256

This is a PGP signed message from ParmaBTC
BTT Profile -
I will hold the development funds (3,000,000 RNS) and the  bounty giveaway (333,333 RNS).
I will setup a BTC address to receive fund for extra giveaway coins or donations.
These are the escrowing terms :

Coins can only be withdrawn for bounties or community approved projects and the intent to move coins has to be announced beforehand.
Coins will be held the coins indefinitely until a public escrow is created
I will receive 5% handling fee of any RNS or BTC held. 30% to be given now and the remaining 70% in 1 months time, there is extra 80k RNS bonus to be received in 3 months time.
Version: GnuPG v2


This is 333,333 Bounties RNS Address RMjcwp2PWXtoDuSiaCpx7EcdmqYZZkZh7M



This is 3,000,000 Bounties Development  Address RQitLftnHHs5L7m5sHQSQgQo8vsrAUqusN



Bitcoin addres for Sales and Donations:


Escrow Rules for sales
 Send funds only if you agree investment terms, specially refund terms.

RNS sales: communty member supporting RNS project can buy 30 000 RNS for 0.1 BTC, pm to escrow for details

refund terms:
Sales or donations are definitive, no fund returns are admitted.

Fees: Transactions fee will be charged to receiver address
Community approved Withdrawals will take  24/48 hours to be fulfilled

There is 333,333 RNS avaliable for our promotion campaign.

Bitcointalk Signatures – 2000 RNS

2000 RNS for anyone who has a signature promoting Renos for 1 month.
Message me letting me know you are taking part on your start date and on the end date send me the address to send coins.

For a tweet (limit of 5 per person)

Twitter has potential to attract a wide audience to Renos. RNS will be distributed per tweet in the following way.

Total RNS = (Total engagements/impressions) * 3000

Screenshot your Twitter analytics and provide me a link to the tweet to receive coins.
The tweet must include the cashtag $RNS and either a link to our twitter or Bitcointalk announcment

I'm hoping to recruit 4 members of the community to become part of the core team and act as representatives for the coin.
Aside from necessary costs required for them to carry out development, each month if it is deemed by the community that good work has carried out by these members they will receive 5000 RNS from the development fund.
Ideally you should have one (or more) of these qualities but I would like to hear from anyone interested:

 - Coin development
 - Web development
 - Good reputation in the crypto community
 - Business contacts
 - Promotional/Media skills
 - Available for contact regularly

Community projects

If you have an idea in any area surrounding the coin and would like to work on it,
then please contact me (and the other core members once recruited) with a small pitch and we will see what we can make happen together.
The development fund is available for grants to help progress.

These are developments that I think would be a good idea to pursue for Renos.
They don't have to happen but they are ideas I would like to explore with the community to see if we can make them happen.
I've also included a rough bounty guide per item, these are negotiable. If bitcoin is raised these can be used to aid bounties.

Website – 20,000 RNS + maintenance fee.

Alternative OS wallets – 15,000 RNS (Mobile wallets at a higher premium)

Brand redesign - 7500 RNS (perhaps some sort of community competition)

Code upgrades (smart contracts, anonymous features, segwit, lightning network etc.) – 50,000 RNS

Multipool (with intent to purchase RNS daily) – 50,000 RNS

Online wallet – 35,000 RNS

Investing in crypto related business ideas (with the intent to make the development fund self sustainable) - 100,000 RNS

Integration into hard wallets ie. Trezor or Ledger – 50,000 RNS

Creating the Renos Foundation at the end of year one.





RNS/BTC market added on

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