The coin is from the developer who created BOOST, MAIA and lot more scam coins. Stay the f away from this coin. Do not support a low life scam developer and his coins.
Assuming Mammix is the one that developed both of those, it still wouldn't matter. Your claim is like saying the attorney that filled out x company's incorporation forms is a scammer because the company went on to scam years later. His job is irrelevant of what his clients do -- he does development.
Correct. Consider the analogy that a wallet is like a printing press (for coins). Once the developer delivers the printing press to the client, what's being printed is up to the client. It could be the bible, fake US-dollar notes, satanic verses, Shakespeare's poetry or pornography; the developer has no control over this anymore.
From an infrastructure point of view, the developer's job is done once the wallet is delivered. How that wallet and the coins generated are being used, it then up to the project team supporting the specific coin. If you have scam accusations against our team, lets hear them and see your evidence. Otherwise please take your FUD elsewhere.