Colombia has a serious project called Scolcoin (Social Colombian), we seek to solve many problems of the orange economy with a cryptoactive with decentralized social empowerment thanks to our own chain of Scol blocks.
Our Start Up Social Program (Scolcoin) has a system that controls the whole community (P2P), thanks to our Colombian Blockchain, or Distributed Accounting, it is a technology that allows, reliable and safe to perform any type of transaction between two or more people without the need for any intermediaries or third parties, through the Internet. Avoiding high costs and use as a currency and exchange with other cryptoactives such as bitcoin.
Because Scolcoin is Safe?It is an unalterable technology, all immovable by the public digital accounting book (See the blockchain in the block explorer) where all the transactions that occur in the network are recorded, grouped in blocks that are continuously linearly linked to each other, this is : the first block with the second, the second with the third, and so on (hence the name 'chain of blocks').
Secure Network - The big difference is that this accounting book is not stored in a single server (Locally), but it is distributed through several, hundreds or even thousands of computers around the world sharing the same information or chain of blocks in seconds. what makes it an impossible task to hack to be decentralized.
And anyone in the network can access an updated version, so it's very transparent.
Why should I invest in Scolcoin?It is the crypto Active Colombian with social focus our leverage and growth is given by the need to have transactions with virtual unit for change, a 21st century barter called the 4 industrial revolution, also sending Scol or virtual mondea from or to Colombia does not count almost nothing only 0.0001 Scol, the exchange with other cryptocurrencies and the ease of mining it to receive profits in a saving mode that the user controls and does not charge a handling fee or other costs. it is more likely that more and more Scolcoin users and more businesses will accept the cryptocurrency as a usual form of payment.
Price ScolcoinThe value is given in the international exchange house for the volume and quantity of virtual coins in circulation, in Colombia we have the official trade for the exchange with Colombian money we have the international house of Latin American change behavior of our active crypto can be seen in the Latam Coin Market reports at Prices go up daily for the amount of users who buy it to save in Scol and Minar.