Hmm it's working for me the block explorer and pool it seems since I am on the same blocks as them, maybe try deleting everything besides your wallet.dat and .conf file and try resyncing that way.
ok i delete to file .conf and create other but not connection
Did you use the nodes on the OP ? just throw them all in there, obviously there is nodes since there is a network and both the main things have nodes.
yes i used this node:
Did you name it correctly as SemiCoin.conf and save it as all files and not a txt file ?
yes i have saved SemiCoin.conf download block to 9272 and stop. Your file conf?
Maybe yours is hanging with the initial sync, I made sure staking was turned off with a resevebalance command when starting up, I had to reopen it though too.
what should I do?
Basically I deleted everything besides the wallet.dat and SemiCoin.conf, dragged the semicoin-qt.exe into a command prompt, pressed space bar to make a gap and added this -reservebalance=9999999 then pressed enter.
I think I restarted the wallet client maybe 2 or 3 times and let it sit for a second and it was synced to the same blocks as the pool and block explorer, don't forget to use that command every time you start the wallet up so you don't stake while syncing up & fork onto your own chain.