A Call to the Community:
It's become clear, because I even fall blame to this, that the majority of people within the crypto-currency community are not aware of all that SFR has to offer. Roshan and the rest of the SFR Development Team have not been getting nearly the recognition they deserve, however they continue to fight on under-promising and over-delivering. While it is important to determine the reason for this lack of awareness, I began focusing on solutions.
So how do we fix this? Do we hire a PR team? Do we promote from within and start a social media campaign? Do we continue to release these amazing features and look for future business partnerships and ignore the lack of attention assuming it come?
Personally, I do not think there is one answer, and any idea I or anyone else comes up with, could spark interest and finally give SFR the attention it deserves.
The Devs have done more than we could have asked from them, and I don't think their going to be slowing doing or disappointing us anytime soon. These are some of the most dedicated and skills guys I have come across and I'm honored to be in the same community as them
But WE AS A COMMUNITY need to step up. All of the most successful coins have great development teams, but they also have constructive contributions from the community. If you are doing things to help the coin, no matter how small they may be, I applaud and respect you and I hope you continue your efforts.
When I first got involved in crypto I felt very small within coin communities and thought what can I do? I have no technical skills? I'll just sit and watch what happens. I probably had some good ideas and probably some very poor ideas lol but I had ideas nonetheless and I had wished I shared them with the communities. It doesn't always matter if your idea good, but constructive discussions about a coin's future can help a coin in more ways you can imagine.
But that all sounds so vague NightMan (if that's even you're real name) what specifically can I do to help? The simple answer is that you can do anything
I can't tell you what to do, and this alludes to what an exchange of ideas is so important, but crypto-currency communities are so diverse and are made up of people with all socioeconomic, political, vocational, and personal backgrounds. Not any two people in any coin community are the same and everyone (even if you don't believe it) always has something unique and useful to bring to the table
Over the past weeks I have been increasingly more active on the IRC (#SFRCoin) which I strongly recommend everyone visiting. The past couple days I have just been blasting the devs and community with literally any idea that comes across my head. Some people probably find it annoying and I apologize, but I know if I keep throwing out ideas we're bound to find a diamond in the rough
So in an effort to encourage/inspire other community members to step and to receive feedback/criticism from the community I will share here everything i've been talking about on IRC. Please note that none of these ideas have been "officially endorsed" by the dev team and I in no way speak on their behalf.
Now time for the good stuff
Promotion and Awareness:
In an effort to spread awareness and to promote the coin, I thought it'd be beneficial to develop a Brochure, which would serve as a more high level and newbie friendly version of our white paper. The goal would be to create an aesthetically pleasing document that contains background info about SFR as well as our key features and upcoming developments. My thought was to have two versions: 1. A hard copy version which could actually be printed out and distributed in person 2. A digital “one-page” that could be easily distributed through various mediums online.
Below are two links to some mock drafts I came up while at work. I would love you guys feedback and I would love to know if you actually think this would be useful.
Page 1 -
http://i.imgur.com/CD9pqGs.pngPage 2 -
http://i.imgur.com/QugQA5q.pngUser Support Form/ Mailing List:
This idea consists of two related services that might be beneficial to the current community and attract new users to SFR. Both are simple, but I’ll explain. The user support form could be something accessible via the wallet, website, or BCT Ann where users could submit help tickets for issues they are encountering, This would organize the support functions of the coin and ensure that everyones’ issues are being addressed. Also, I think this could reduce Fudding, because if the majority of issue related posts are submitted via the help form and not through a BCT Post, the Fud posts in which issues claim inaccurate issues would be easier identifiable.
The second part is a mailing list where people could sign up for to receive notice of updates as wells as future developments/posts by the Dev team in the BCT Ann.
Other ideas I’m still fleshing out:
School of Crypto
Instructional Videos for key SFR services/applications
Proof of Donation
TheNightMan aka Fighter of the DayMan aka Garrett