I cant stress enough how important it is to curb your GPU clocks to keep the switching working right. If you are pushing one algo too hard and a switch comes along, chances are the card will go SICK and DEAD after the driver crashes.
I added a restart crontab as a hacky fix for now. Unsure if it will work.
"pools": [
"name": "TradeMyBit_X11",
"url": "stratum+tcp://west01.us.trademybit.com:4010",
"user": "x",
"pass": "x",
"nfactor": "10",
"algorithm": "darkcoin-mod",
"profile": "X-Coins"
"name": "TradeMyBit_X13",
"url": "stratum+tcp://west01.us.trademybit.com:4011",
"user": "x",
"pass": "x",
"nfactor": "10",
"algorithm": "marucoin-mod",
"profile": "X-Coins"
"name": "TradeMyBit_X15",
"url": "stratum+tcp://west01.us.trademybit.com:4012",
"user": "x",
"pass": "x",
"algorithm": "bitblock",
"profile": "X-Coins"
"name": "TradeMyBit_Nist5",
"url": "stratum+tcp://west01.us.trademybit.com:4013",
"user": "x",
"pass": "x",
"algorithm": "talkcoin-mod",
"profile": "Nist5"
"name": "TradeMyBit_Scrypt-N",
"url": "stratum+tcp://west01.us.trademybit.com:2220",
"user": "x",
"pass": "x",
"profile": "Scrypt-N"
"name": "TradeMyBit_Scrypt",
"url": "stratum+tcp://west01.us.trademybit.com:3330",
"user": "x",
"pass": "x",
"nfactor": "10",
"algorithm": "zuikkis"
"profiles": [
"name": "X-Coins",
"intensity": "16",
"gpu-engine": "1100",
"gpu-memclock": "1800"
"name": "Scrypt-N",
"intensity": "13",
"gpu-threads": "1",
"gpu-engine": "1000",
"gpu-memclock": "1500",
"thread-concurrency": "10240"
"name": "Nist5",
"worksize": "64",
"intensity": "18",
"hamsi-expand-big": "1",
"gpu-powertune": "8"
"hamsi-expand-big": "4",
"worksize": "256",
"thread-concurrency": "8192",
"gpu-threads": "2",
"gpu-powertune": "20",
"gpu-engine": "1070",
"gpu-memclock": "1600",
"auto-fan": true,
"gpu-fan": "50-85",
"temp-target": "75",
"temp-cutoff": "95",
"temp-overheat": "85",
"api-listen": true,
"api-port": "4028",
"api-mcast-port": "4028",
"api-allow": "W:",
"queue": "0",
"expiry": "1",
"show-coindiff": true,
"no-submit-stale": true,
"failover-only": true,
"failover-switch-delay": "30",
"extranonce-subscription": true,
"no-extranonce": true,
"hotplug": "5",
"no-restart": true,
"remove-disabled": true