kiss of death...
anytime i see this statement from the dev it's kiss of death for the coin... i have about 4 dozen wallets filled with worthless crypto, and in each one of the coin threads the dev said something similar...
the way i see it, and i could be very wrong on this, altcoins value is determined by two things - innovation/fundamentals and hype/speculation...
in terms of innovation and fundamentals, this con offers a big fat squadush... there is nothing new here... there is no groundbreaking new algo... there is no killer anon app, or anything else that will make this coin stand out among the gazillion and a half other coins...
in terms of hype and speculation, at this moment, this coin offers only one value - it's new... once a few days go by, and it no longer has that "new car smell", that value will start to decline rapidly... with dozens upon dozens of new coins launching every week, that value will go down exponentially with every coin launch... and with every new launch, this coin will have a new competitor for a spot on an exchange...
it's your coin, so it's your decision on when to push this to exchanges, and it's not my business or place to tell you what to do... but, if i was the "King of Siam" and was in charge of this coin, i would be screaming "notice me" as loud as i can, and i would be pushing my hardest to get listed on the exchanges as soon as possible, before it's too late and this coin ends up trading on allcoin or c-cex or shit-hole swap-hole, or some other no volume exchange where coins go to die...
I don't understand what the problem of "being listed on exchanges after, let's say, 3 days after launch" is. The exchanges won't accept a 3 days old coin?
I know at least two advantages of being listed later. First, multipools can't calculate the profit of the coin, so they won't mine it, at least some of them, so we'll see less epic dumpings. Second, after 3,4 days there will be a higher exchange vol for the coin on exchanges, so attracts more attention, so the price can go higher.
don't get me wrong, i would love for this coin to fly under the radar for a few days so i can mine the shit out of it while the diff is low
but ultimately, for this coin to have any value, it needs to be on an exchange...
the answer i was looking for from the dev would be along the lines of:
"we are not yet ready to be listed on an exchange, but behind the scenes we are dilligently working on setting up a block explorer and an active social presence on twitter, reddit and facebook - all prerequisites of being listed on, and having success on a good exchange.... we will have everything in place in the next few days, and will then push hard for a listing"
the answer i saw was "we're not in a rush"... like i said, i have about 4 dozen wallets filled with worthless crypto where i saw the same response from the dev... about a dozen from the last few weeks alone... to me - it's the kiss of death...
all that said, i've been mining this coin since launch, so i wouldn't mind being proven wrong