SIA Pool for you:
This is a Suprnova NG Pool, you can use your unified login there and all your pool workers from earlier setups too.
SSO Single-Sign-On on this Pool - You can also use your previously set up workers !
Payouts every 30 seconds
DDoS protected
Suprnova Quality, lots of experience in all kind of hashes - we had the first X13 Stratum and were among the first X11 and NIST5 Pools !
Highly optimized Stratums and MPOS implementations.
Idle Worker Notifications
Two Factor Authentication if wanted
Support 24x7 via IRC,Mail,PM etc.
Only 1 % fee ! (thats 50% lower than most other Pools !)
We have full SSL encryption on all pools ! (https:// instead of http:// !!)
Tested and Approvied Mining Rigs can be rented here: (X11)