
Topic: [ANN] Sikka - Cryptonote POW- POS-Proof of Activity- New Coin! - page 3. (Read 65702 times)

full member
Activity: 193
Merit: 100

The Sikka was launched on Sept. 21, 2017 almost 6 months before and today at the time of writing this comment I see only 26 miners (23 on getsikka and 3 on sikkakiramine pool).

Check IRD started before us, not on exchange, check others, max they have achieved is going on exchange, which is what some dollars for listing.

From this you can derive your own conclusion. I have seen people calling this coin a bad one and almost abusing it. I have also seen your arrogant replies to these comment.
From your vision document it is interpreted that you are making a very good project. But let me know what good it will be if people slowly fade away from it.

By no means We have asked people to mine and We are not selling anyone anything here.
You Have said you do not like people who come here for profit. But tell me what is crypto currency is about? Everyone who is involved in it has one motive which is to earn profit. SO what is bad about it. What is your motive too? 

No one was here for making money before all you greedy people who don't have clue what crypto movement was, This single line signify you dont get it.

Of course people can wait for longer time to get good results of this project. But i think your terse replies and being non communicative with the community is having its effect now.

First, decide yourself are we non-communicative or our replies are of not your taste.
You said you are paying for pools from your pockets! Now you can yourself see what is condition of pools. Kiramine pool have a hash rate of 96 H/s and get sikka is having 6 KH, It should make you realize what is happening to your labour and hard work.

This makes no sense whatever, how hash rate relate to our pool expense. Learn and do not focus too much to earn.

P.S. If people don't use these new accounts to promote their own agenda, We will be happy to answer. But till the time we are getting this money minded queries, no help, as told before we are not here to serve your GREED. There are many projects launching everyday just to serve your GREED or better you should join some shady pump group, we are not that people. We do not see crypto as business for us.
Activity: 30
Merit: 0
Dear Sikka,

The Sikka was launched on Sept. 21, 2017 almost 6 months before and today at the time of writing this comment I see only 26 miners (23 on getsikka and 3 on sikkakiramine pool).

From this you can derive your own conclusion. I have seen people calling this coin a bad one and almost abusing it. I have also seen your arrogant replies to these comment.

From your vision document it is interpreted that you are making a very good project. But let me know what good it will be if people slowly fade away from it.

You Have said you do not like people who come here for profit. But tell me what is crypto currency is about? Everyone who is involved in it has one motive which is to earn profit. SO what is bad about it. What is your motive too? If you are making a revolutionary and exemplary this then tell me what is your ultimate aim? are you also doing it for charity? Are you spending from your pocket for charity? I think not.

Of course people can wait for longer time to get good results of this project. But i think your terse replies and being non communicative with the community is having its effect now. I am not a big investor or a big miner. But when I read about your vision document I liked it and followed sikka. But remember your ignorance of people and coming out with some terse replies and simply telling you are onto some great thing is simply not sufficient for everyone to be here.

You said you are paying for pools from your pockets! Now you can yourself see what is condition of pools. Kiramine pool have a hash rate of 96 H/s and get sikka is having 6 KH, It should make you realize what is happening to your labour and hard work.

Now the question is WHAT DO YOU WANT YOUR SIKKA TO BE.

I need not tell you the answer to that. It is upto you to think and realize. You want to make sikka great then make people realize what is great about it, let them know what is being achieved on daily basis. Honest people will come to help you ( of course some dishonest would also mingle in them).

Anyway I just wrote it because I dont want your work go in wain.

Activity: 143
Merit: 11
I think cryptonight ASIC miner will increase 50x difficulty for every cryptonight, so consider whatever you are mining now going to 50x expensive to mine for GPU.
But yes it may decrease coin value, because mining cost per coin for ASIC will be so each.
Need to wait and see how it helps newer coins
Activity: 30
Merit: 0
it is true if Baikal giant comes into mining of cryptonight there CPU and to some extend GPU mining would become redundant and would be worthless. This would be a good idea if the cryptonight algo is modified in a way to resist the attack of baikal miner.

@Sikka, It is good to see you responding after such a long time. I is reassuring that you people are working on the project. It is understandable that some people made false promises to you and eloped with the coins you supplied to them for their promised work. But this is a risk one has to take when someone enters a new field there are always dishonest people who would try and sometime succeed in taking advantage and bully someone who is honestly believing them.

But that is past and you have learn lesions.

Regarding your anger for the greed of the people wanting the coin to be listed. I can understand this because it is only you who have the clear picture of what the sikka is and is going to be in future what roadmap or stages this coins would have to pass before it becomes one of the best coin among the crowd. But try to understand this when you talk about a community which is made up of a lot of people then you have to accept that each one of them would have their own mind and also individual aim too. You can not expect that eveyone would be like you and follow you blindly.

Even the greatest leader of the world also have adversories within their followers. What binds them together and make them work as one is the clear direction and a clear goal which they follow.

Of course we dont expect you to publish a commentary of each step being taken by you in development of the sikka. still it is expected that one of your core team be in contact with the comunity and appraise them with what is happening and what is expected within a certain time. We all would like sikka to be a great thing.

A total absence for  a longer time is no healthy for the sikka. I would at least suggest that you make a channel of Sikka on @DISCORD where people can chat with each other and where one of your core team logs each day to at least respond to the community member.

I have read your vision document and think that is a great one. and would definitely want it to become a reality sooner then later. Of course there would be dishonest people on the route (who doesn't faces adversaries in his path) but we all have to go ahead.

A communicative developer team (even if your team has two or three person) would always keep the community binding and will only increase  it. I have witnessed this regarding other coins. There are other coins announced even before Sikka and they are yet to be listed but their hashing on pool is much higher then Sikka. The reason behind is that they are being communicated by developers.

So instead of feeling bad about peoples remarks just keep on developing the Sikka and be COMMUNICATIVE.

Otherwise even the best of the diamonds are lost in disruptive dust  in the sand.

Be brave be communicative.

Activity: 142
Merit: 11
Can u update algo .. I see baikal made asic for cryptonight
Baikal giant n : 20khs /60w .... Fuck asic
full member
Activity: 193
Merit: 100
Way to kill a coin...

"either we will be among big things in crypto or we will be closed..."

Sounds like someone who has issues, either i want to be a rock god or i'm just gonna quit being a musician period... be realistic!!

This has to be done in stages, i know your views on exchanges but this is a vital stepping stone to determine the value of the coin to move forward with developments as there was NO ICO to determine a baseline of the value of this coin. how as a community people going to back you on this at all.. all you have done is made a name and copied a coin and outsourced pretty much every aspect of being a "DEV"!! (hence the reason on the very very slow release)

if this is your view then shut down the servers and let it go or step up and do some actual DEV work work in POS or Masternode, get a baseline on what the coins value is (Currently at 0) do something jesus!!

i feel this is what the community thinks, and if i'm wrong so be it but your trying to fit a square object through a round hole of course your not going to get your way. i wanted this to succeed but with people like you behind the wheel it never will.

You are free to think whatever you want.
Regarding copying code, 99% of coins are forks, so get over that notation, Doge did nothing past 2 years but only community too it thus far.

Regarding our thing of zero or nothing, comes from why you need coin just like 500 other projects. I am why to waste energy and resource just to run a fucking meaningless project?

we came to do things with difference and yes we do not like a thinking of setting up coin price. For us price is one of many thing and certainly not our priority.

There is no community, all we saw was greed, no single person stepped up and tried to understand vision or discuss constructive things. All people want is price price price. Sorry, we have not started project for your money gain. You have 1000 other project to earn money. Go try you greed there.
i wanted this to succeed but with people like you behind the wheel it never will.

You want to succeed and then same time you think it will never happen. Get your thoughts right.
if this is your view then shut down the servers and let it go or step up and do some actual DEV work work in POS or Masternode

Every stupid looser talks about masternode, because stupid people pump on this name without knowing what it is. We are not going to do anything to justify you pump and facilitate your dump.

People like you are symbol of recent greed in crypto and who have no idea who cryptocurrencies started at the first place.
I know you will be able to make money, but you and people like you will never be able to become beyond that.
Activity: 50
Merit: 0
Way to kill a coin...

"either we will be among big things in crypto or we will be closed..."

Sounds like someone who has issues, either i want to be a rock god or i'm just gonna quit being a musician period... be realistic!!

This has to be done in stages, i know your views on exchanges but this is a vital stepping stone to determine the value of the coin to move forward with developments as there was NO ICO to determine a baseline of the value of this coin. how as a community people going to back you on this at all.. all you have done is made a name and copied a coin and outsourced pretty much every aspect of being a "DEV"!! (hence the reason on the very very slow release)

if this is your view then shut down the servers and let it go or step up and do some actual DEV work work in POS or Masternode, get a baseline on what the coins value is (Currently at 0) do something jesus!!

i feel this is what the community thinks, and if i'm wrong so be it but your trying to fit a square object through a round hole of course your not going to get your way. i wanted this to succeed but with people like you behind the wheel it never will.
full member
Activity: 193
Merit: 100
Hi All,

We have started this project with pure motive to make a very genuine community project. We have offered airdrop, bounties as well.
We had a great start.

Than some people came forward to claim bounties specially the guy who developed wordpress plugin, we have paid him around half million Sikka for wordpress plugin and advance for desktop wallet, but after some time he stopped responding. That guy end up screwing us and vanished, but we know who is , his various social accounts. But these many Sikka was not of a big deal. But we will see that bastard in future.

Now, there was another Dev which came forward and developed Desktop Wallet, at same time we were planning to upgrade code to stop instamine attacks. We have asked community Dev if he will update after code upgrade and upon his consultation only we upgraded to newer version, We gave him 100,000 Sikka and promised to pay more once he deliver Wallet for new code as well. He did exchanged messages but later became unresponsive. No hard feelings for this Dev but not sure when we were paying why someone would make promise and just vanish.

We have created our initial draft for our vision and wanted community feedback. No one so far added anything to us, which is disheartening.

Despite of us calls community to get involved, no serious person came forward. We have been paying for running nodes, pool from our pocket. So if you think money was ever a concern for project it was not.

We always wanted to list on exchange but considering greed in community, where people just want to mine and dump and don't give a fuck about project growth or anything.

Even some skilled people tried to convince us, by making new accounts and asking us they will do some development if we agree to list Sikka. All there motive was to list, create fake or temp hype so that they get to dump. But we were able to sense motives and did not serve there purpose, we have Slack chat proof if anyone want. But same guy was decent enough to teach us a lesson that, there might be big bag holder which can come as community face but all they would want a listing and dump and repeat same shit to other projects.

After seeing all this greed taking over crypto, being an idealist who never saw crypto as a way to get rich quick.

We want to take this project forward but we have never started this project to serve anyone's purpose.

So don't expect any miracle in coming months or listing.
But before miracle comes, if ever, we will surely make a way to screw up those greedy people.

Greed will never be rewarded by us.

We have repeated in past and we repeat now, we have never asked anyone to mine Sikka. It is your wish to take the risk as project might shutdown or might become the next big thing.

Those who want to contribute are most welcome and anyone wants to develop anything will be reward with fair share what we could.

But no one should come and negotiate to list in return of their contribution. That will not happen.

We have always mentioned our position that this is long term project and not any get rich scheme.
Either we will be among big things in crypto or we will be closed. There is no middle path just to make money.
full member
Activity: 372
Merit: 100
I don't think the dev just left Sikka because if they did then why is the pool still working?maybe the dev is on vacations or they are working in Sikka without telling us  Tongue
Idk it's just a thought

Don't worry too much. Put these coins in your wallet safely. Let the dream, and then the magic may come with Sikka, and you may be rich at some time in the future by Sikka. No one can predict / claim what's going to happen, right?
Activity: 30
Merit: 0
Dear Sikka,

It has been long since your last post. We the freternity of the coin is waiting eagerly to find out the development of the coin. we have put in our time hashing power to this coin. You must come out and clear things as to what developments are being carried out at your end and what is the roadmap you are going to follow. Just saying soon is ok for initial period but after such a long time people need to be assured with definitive things and time period.

When I compare with other coins which were announced after sikka announcement I see their mining hashing rate have gone above the roof whereas for sikka hashing rate is comparatively very this itself shows that the people are slowly loosing interest and faith in your project. I must remind you that without community having faith in your project it would be worthless.

Though I know cryptonight is an anonymous project still the developeres need to be communicative to the community.

There are new coins announced each day and community is a thing which can easily slip from your coin and even if you work hard and sincerely it would be fruitless for you and others also who have put in their faith in you;

SO please come out with concrete plan. we are ready to wait for a longer time but we must all know what is going on for the development of the coin.

Activity: 30
Merit: 0
I came to this conclusion from what I've observed over time.

Most of the posts in this thread are from newbies who have just 3-4 post count and on this thread only. Also the posts are on the positive side of this coin. So I think there is some serious issue with this coin.
I wonder who all are mining this coin   Undecided

I was mining the coin in the beginning but have since stopped and just waiting to see what happens, there was good interest at the start, but I think most people got frustrated and move on.
jr. member
Activity: 117
Merit: 6
FREE VPS. Check Signature for link
I came to this conclusion from what I've observed over time.

Most of the posts in this thread are from newbies who have just 3-4 post count and on this thread only. Also the posts are on the positive side of this coin. So I think there is some serious issue with this coin.
I wonder who all are mining this coin   Undecided
Activity: 40
Merit: 0
I don't think the dev just left Sikka because if they did then why is the pool still working?maybe the dev is on vacations or they are working in Sikka without telling us  Tongue
Idk it's just a thought

I'm gonna go with. Keeping it a secret. In hopes it's just not a project they gave up on.
Activity: 40
Merit: 0
Dev if you're out there let us help. Reach out to the community bud.
hero member
Activity: 980
Merit: 502
Why the dev leave?
Activity: 40
Merit: 0
Is there a plan for an exchange or maybe some advertising. What's new? How can something seem dead when it never attempted to take off

The greatest trick the devil ever pulled off was to convince the world he didn't exit

Are you retaining information. Please help
Activity: 30
Merit: 0
Is there a plan for an exchange or maybe some advertising. What's new? How can something seem dead when it never attempted to take off

The greatest trick the devil ever pulled off was to convince the world he didn't exit
Activity: 40
Merit: 0
Is there a plan for an exchange or maybe some advertising. What's new? How can something seem dead when it never attempted to take off
Activity: 30
Merit: 0
dead coin Sad

The dev is out there just post a referal link, or something in the thread, and you wake him.
full member
Activity: 392
Merit: 100
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