Myanmar is at the intersection of geopolitical paths between East and South Asia and the strategic interests of the regional "poles of power" - China, India and ASEAN. The United States has shown growing interest in Myanmar. The US and the EU lifted economic sanctions from Myanmar, retaining bans only on military-technical cooperation. At the same time, American business has not yet shown much activity in relation to Myanmar. As of August 2014, total US investment in Myanmar did not exceed $ 250 million. Some analysts attribute this to civil instability in the country, but there are other reasons. In 2012, Obama allowed US companies to invest in Myanmar, but forbade dealing with military-related businesses.
The country has seen a certain economic recovery. It is reported that Myanmar took 13th place in the world last year in terms of economic growth. At the beginning of 2016, trading began on the first ever Myanmar Yangon Stock Exchange. On the streets of Yangon, Nayyipido, Mandalay and other cities of the country, the names Coca-Cola and Samsung are interspersed on billboards with the names of the Norwegian mobile communications company Telenor, the Indian Tata Motors and the leading Chinese consumer electronics company Hayer. The Japanese company Nissan, together with the Malaysian Tan Chong Group, plan in 2016 to open a factory for the production of a compact sedan Nissan Sunny in the Bago administrative region.
The ongoing processes in Myanmar open up broad prospects for the country, both in domestic and foreign policy. The country has good potential to return to the international arena as an influential political and economic player. But today we can talk about prospects — for the revival of the country on the principles of democracy, certain groundwork has been created, but a solid, reliable foundation has not yet been built.
The difficulty of having money enter underdeveloped countries like Myanmar has been hindering progress in solving many of its problems, such as poverty. We believe that the revolutionary technology of blockchain can help solve such problems and advance the economy and people of those countries.
SKYBIT applies blockchain technology to provide a modern financial bridge between Myanmar and the rest of the world. Easing the flow of monetary value into Myanmar would open up many new opportunities for the country and its people. Our mission is to apply new technology for wide and large-scale social improvement, particularly in Southeast Asia as it has many big problems that still need to be solved.