Whats the point of 'firewall' when everyone knows your IP address ? You are wasting money on cloudflare, they cant filter port 3333 , they only protect against http/s DDoS...
No, you are wrong. You cannot access anymore (please try). And will be the new IP for mining only (all other ports blocked).
You dont understand. Cloudflare CAN NOT protect the pool port (3333) as its not HTTP/S traffic. You are still open to attack. You should have moved to OVH!
I can connect to
EDIT : I've got 20+ servers with Datashack and they are terrible for production servers. I use their servers for crypto mining as i do not require 99% uptime. Datashack uptime is hmm 60-65% ? Thats not including their pipes being overloaded every single day during peek times (ping from europe to datashack 500-700ms)...
DATASHACK is a BUDGET host - the cheapest you can find in the entire USA/CANADA region. They are T-E-R-R-I-B-L-E.