the apr for Sprouts is set in the code and this coin pays what the code says 730% apr.. go look yourself. make up any math you want the code is not a lie.
Then you should loan me your coins.
// sprouts: total coin age spent in transaction, in the unit of coin-days.
// Only those coins meeting minimum age requirement counts. As those
// transactions not in main chain are not currently indexed so we
// might not find out about their coin age. Older transactions are
// guaranteed to be in main chain by sync-checkpoint. This rule is
// introduced to help nodes establish a consistent view of the coin
// age (trust score) of competing branches.
bool CTransaction::GetCoinAge(CTxDB& txdb, uint64& nCoinAge) const
CBigNum bnCentSecond = 0; // coin age in the unit of cent-seconds
nCoinAge = 0;
if (IsCoinBase())
return true;
BOOST_FOREACH(const CTxIn& txin, vin)
// First try finding the previous transaction in database
CTransaction txPrev;
CTxIndex txindex;
if (!txPrev.ReadFromDisk(txdb, txin.prevout, txindex))
continue; // previous transaction not in main chain
if (nTime < txPrev.nTime)
return false; // Transaction timestamp violation
// Read block header
CBlock block;
if (!block.ReadFromDisk(txindex.pos.nFile, txindex.pos.nBlockPos, false))
return false; // unable to read block of previous transaction
if (block.GetBlockTime() + nStakeMinAge > nTime)
continue; // only count coins meeting min age requirement
int64 nValueIn = txPrev.vout[txin.prevout.n].nValue;
bnCentSecond += CBigNum(nValueIn) * (nTime-txPrev.nTime) / CENT;
if (fDebug && GetBoolArg("-printcoinage"))
printf("coin age nValueIn=%-12I64d nTimeDiff=%d bnCentSecond=%s\n", nValueIn, nTime - txPrev.nTime, bnCentSecond.ToString().c_str());
CBigNum bnCoinDay = bnCentSecond * CENT / COIN / (24 * 60 * 60);
if (fDebug && GetBoolArg("-printcoinage"))
printf("coin age bnCoinDay=%s\n", bnCoinDay.ToString().c_str());
nCoinAge = bnCoinDay.getuint64();
return true;
// sprouts: total coin age spent in block, in the unit of coin-days.
bool CBlock::GetCoinAge(uint64& nCoinAge) const
nCoinAge = 0;
CTxDB txdb("r");
BOOST_FOREACH(const CTransaction& tx, vtx)
uint64 nTxCoinAge;
if (tx.GetCoinAge(txdb, nTxCoinAge))
nCoinAge += nTxCoinAge;
return false;
if (nCoinAge == 0) // block coin age minimum 1 coin-day
nCoinAge = 1;
if (fDebug && GetBoolArg("-printcoinage"))
printf("block coin age total nCoinDays=%"PRI64d"\n", nCoinAge);
return true;
static const int64 CENT = 10000;
// sprouts: miner's coin stake is rewarded based on coin age spent (coin-days)
int64 GetProofOfStakeReward(int64 nCoinAge)
static int64 nRewardCoinYear = 730 * CENT; // creation amount per coin-year
int64 nSubsidy = nCoinAge * 33 / (365 * 33 + 8) * nRewardCoinYear;
if (fDebug && GetBoolArg("-printcreation"))
printf("GetProofOfStakeReward(): create=%s nCoinAge=%"PRI64d"\n", FormatMoney(nSubsidy).c_str(), nCoinAge);
return nSubsidy;
You should try this chunk of code out. That 730 does not mean there is a 730% APR cap. That comment doesn't mean anything.