That's why these guys spent months working on this before bringing this to market, and the features are indeed there on the backend. I've checked.
You're dealing with brilliant people here, people that have put themselves out there and have everything to lose. Sure they've got some btc, but everyone knows who they are, and like it or not, they have real lives. I'm sorry, but 1500 btc isn't enough for half a dozen people to disappear on.
Do you want to know why more incredible, hard working, brilliant developers don't rush into crypto, and altcoins especially? Because the community is filled with rabid wolves ready to tear you apart when any little thing doesn't work right. News for you, nothing works right in programming. Developers are forced to work every day with broken tools and broken code. It's a fact of life, and we deal with it every day. If that wasn't the case, there wouldn't be hacked banks, hacked networks, bug fixes and bug reports. Windows wouldn't have hundreds of updates from the word go. There wouldn't be a 'bugzilla' which is funny, because that's how coders see bugs, like f'ing godzilla.
Also, the professional bit? Do you want deep in the trenches brilliant developers that are capable of actually making phenomenal progress and producing incredible work? Or do you want PR people spewing bullshit that never tell you anything except more bullshit. I'm sorry, but I've worked in the world. The person selling you roses and butterflies doesn't have a clue what's going on in the trenches, or even how any of it works in the first place. Meanwhile, the guys in the trenches are dealing with 20 years of technobullshit that I'd be worried if they hadn't grown accustomed to swearing.
So get it together. If you're going to invest in altcoins, then you're going to have to deal with people that are more accustomed to dealing with code and computers than they are dealing with people. And if you're not dealing with people that are rough around the edges, you're not dealing with real developers. You're dealing with bullshit artists.
One last thing: The developers didn't get your money until fucking yesterday. They've been working for nothing for months. MONTHS. So sorry if they couldn't afford all the bells and whistles you think got paid for. They have it now though, and by golly, you better fucking believe they're trying to fix everything with their new resources.
Quoting half of the long post. I agree to your first points but....
for one neither dano nor snoop are actually coders/devs as pretty clear from their "dev is sleeping comment". So I guess they were acting as those "PR people spewing bullshit" ? and they actually held the release date even after everything? Or rather they were "person selling you roses and butterflies doesn't have a clue what's going on in the trenches, or even how any of it works in the first place." ? Isnt it?
Even if 1500 btc is not an amount for 6 people to disappear on - I have yet to see the promoters (yeah not devs) answer my query. Who is getting paid how much and for what work? This will draw a line as to where things went wrong.
As for "development", within this long tirade you gave - you failed to mention one thing. People choose stable codes, and are maybe nerds who are more accustomed to code than people. True! But then thumb rule for "IT project development" is you have your dev ready and available for at least 24hrs post release for debugging any issues. Thats the critical timeframe. Or do they just release and go to sleep? This is where the team fucked up.
The last thing: I am never surprised when people go on this defence after getting paid. Its rather this kind of argument which leads to most shitcoins foster in the crypto world. The so-called "dev" must be paid for his efforts even if he is incompetent to release the correct code upfront. Yep, he is working, he is working, he is.....and then disappears with the money.
I can assure you many people were ok with syscoin stating clearly that the certs might not work on launch. Its not this bs.