Can you explain what exactly is 14+16 or 14-14?
But I only understand as much as the help file explains. A better explanation may come from the developer. It is the "cn_config" parameter, which I bolded in the text below. In Linux, if you type "./teamredminer --help > redhelp.txt, you will have the following help file saved for reference:
Team Red Miner version 0.3.7
Usage: teamredminer [OPTIONS]
-a, --algo=ALGORITHM Selects the mining algorithm. Currently available
algorithms: lyra2z, phi2, cnv8
-o, --url=URL Sets the pool URL. Currently only stratum+tcp
URLs are supported.
-u, --user=USERNAME Sets the username for pool authorization.
-p, --pass=PASSWORD Sets the password for pool authorization.
--platform=INDEX Sets the index of the OpenCL platform to use.
If not specified, platform will be auto-detected
with a final fallback using index 0.
-d, --devices=DEVLIST Sets gpu devices to use from the OpenCL platform.
DEVLIST should be a comma separated list of device
indices. If not specified, all devices on the
platform will be used. (example: -d 0,1,4).
NOTE: if using --bus_reorder, the indices used are
after reordering. Use --list_devices to show indices.
--rigid Set the rig identifier that will be sent to the pool.
This is only used for cryptonight pools.
--init_style=1/2/3 Specified the init style (1 is default):
1: One gpu at the time, complete all before mining.
2: Three gpus at the time, complete all before mining.
3: All gpus in parallel, start mining immediately.
--pcie_fmt=FORMAT Sets print format for pcie bus numbers. The accepted
values for FORMAT are either 'hex' or 'dec'. The
defaults are decimal for windows and hexadecimal
for linux.
--api_listen=IP:PORT Enables the api. IP:PORT is optional. If present,
the IP:PORT combo decides the interface(s) and port
to listen to. Default is For
external access, use e.g. It's also
valid to only specify the port, e.g. 4029.
-l, --log_interval=SEC Set the time interval in seconds for averaging and
printing GPU hashrates. SEC sets the interval
in seconds, and must be > 0.
--cn_config=CONFIG Set the cryptonight configuration for the miner.
CONFIG must be in the form [I0][M][I1], where
[I0] and [I1] are the thread intensity values
ranging from 1 to 16. [M] is the mode which can
be either '-' or '+'. Mode '+' tends to perform
better for higher core clocks, and '-' tends to
perform better for lower core clocks.
For example: --cn_config=14-14
CONFIG can also be a comma seperated list of
config values where each is applied to each GPU.
For example: --cn_config=8-8,16+14,15-15,14+14
Any gpu that does not have a specific config in
the list will use the first config in the list. --pool_broken_rpc Tells the miner to only allow a single outstanding
rpc request on the pool connection. This is
a work-around for pools that violate the json
rpc specification regarding rpc IDs.
--no_cpu_check Disables cpu verification of found shares before they
are submitted to the pool. Note: only CNv8 currently
supports cpu verification.
--bus_reorder Reorders the detected or specified devices after
their pcie bus id.
--list_devices Lists the available devices for the detected or
specified platform and exits immediately. Bus
reordering will be implemented in the order shown.
--help Display this help message and exit.
I could use a better explanation, really. And, FWIW, a setting of "16+16" failed to load the kernel on my Vegas, I needed to reboot afterwards.