Perhaps in the sense that crypto is a hedge against FIAT currency, sure.
World panics - crypto goes onward and upward.
I think that is exactly what happened. It happens every time there is a financial crisis in the future.
But let's not talk politics here, instead let's make Terracoin Great Again!
Seriously though...
We need to start talking about what features we want for TRC which will make it unique.
It seems that the main thing we are running up against in regards to getting added to exchanges is that we aren't very innovative. I used the term "flexable" in the TRC mission statement, and have now added innovative.
TRC Mission Statement
The TRC Foundation's long term goal is to make Terracoin an innovative, flexible, secure and easier to use alternative to both Bitcoin and fiat currencies.
We need to stand out from the crowd, so lets hear some ideas! Thanks!