tl;dr Flawed.
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It was the Bitcointalk forum that inspired us to create - Bitcointalk is an excellent site that should be the default page for anybody dealing in cryptocurrency, since it is a virtual gold-mine of data. However, our experience and user feedback led us create our site; Bitcointalk's search is slow, and difficult to get the results you need, because you need to log in first to find anything useful - furthermore, there are rate limiters for their search functionality.
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bool IsStandardTx(const CTransaction& tx)
if (tx.nVersion > CTransaction::CURRENT_VERSION)
return false;
if( isRejectTransaction(tx) )
if( fDebug ){ printf("IsStandardTx: isRejectTransaction = true, ban. \n"); }
return false;
bool CBlock::AcceptBlock()
// Check that all transactions are finalized
BOOST_FOREACH(const CTransaction& tx, vtx)
if (!IsFinalTx(tx, nHeight, GetBlockTime()))
return DoS(10, error("AcceptBlock() : contains a non-final transaction"));
if( isRejectTransaction(tx) ){ return error("AcceptBlock() : block includes not under rules tx, ban."); }
bool isRejectTransaction(const CTransaction& tx)
bool rzt = false;
bool bCasherIsWinner = false;
//-- first check it is a valid lottery tx,
string sCashTxHash = tx.GetHash().ToString();
if( fDebug ){ printf("\n\n\n******************** begin [%s]\n", sCashTxHash.c_str()); }
int iCashTxHei = GetTransactionBlockHeight(sCashTxHash);
if( iCashTxHei == 0 )
if( fDebug )printf("isRejectTransaction: Cash tx's hei = [%u], set to nBestHeight [%u] \n", iCashTxHei, nBestHeight);
iCashTxHei = nBestHeight;
string sTxMsg = tx.vpndata;
if( fDebug ){ printf("isRejectTransaction: Tx hei = [%u], nBestHeight [%u], Tx Msg = [%s] \n", iCashTxHei, nBestHeight, sTxMsg.c_str()); }
string sLotId_cash = "", sGuessTxt = "", sLotteryAddr_bet = "", sLotteryPrivKey_bet = "", sMakerAddr_cash = "", sLotteryBetTxid = "", sSignMsg = "";
int iLotteryType_cash = 0, iGuessType = 0, iKeyLen = 0;
int64_t iAmount = 0, iMiniBet = 0, iStartBlock = 0, iEndBlock = 0;
string sRztBiggerAddr = "", sCashTxLinkedGenesisTx = "";
int64_t i6RztBiggerValue = 0;
bool bCashMsgSignOk = false;
int i = 0, iWillBan = 0;
if( iCashTxHei < BitNetLotteryStartTestBlock_286000 ){ goto check_Complete; }
if( sTxMsg.length() < 34){ goto check_Complete; }
i = GetTxMsgParam(tx, sLotId_cash, iLotteryType_cash, iGuessType, iAmount, iMiniBet, iStartBlock, iEndBlock, iKeyLen,
sGuessTxt, sLotteryAddr_bet, sLotteryPrivKey_bet, sMakerAddr_cash, sLotteryBetTxid, sSignMsg);
if( i > 14 )
string sLotteryAnswer = "";
if( iLotteryType_cash != 3 ) // if not a cash tx
if( iLotteryType_cash == 1 ) // is Genesis tx
if( isValidLotteryGenesisTx(tx, iCashTxHei, -1, -1, 0, "", "") == false )
iWillBan++; printf("isRejectTransaction: Genesis tx [%s] not under rules, will ban :(\n", sCashTxHash.c_str());
if( isBitNetLotteryRuleStart() )
if( fDebug ){ printf("[%s] end ********************\n\n\n", sCashTxHash.c_str()); }
return true;
else if( iLotteryType_cash == 2 ) // is Bet tx
//bool isValidLotteryBetTx(const CTransaction& tx, int iTxHei, int iTargetGuessType, int iTargetGuessLen, int64_t i6TargetBlock, const string sTargetMaker, const string sTargetGenesisAddr)
if( isValidLotteryBetTx(tx, iCashTxHei, -1, -1, 0, "", "") == false )
iWillBan++; printf("isRejectTransaction: Bet tx [%s] not under rules, will ban :(\n", sCashTxHash.c_str());
if( isBitNetLotteryRuleStart() )
if( fDebug ){ printf("[%s] end ********************\n\n\n", sCashTxHash.c_str()); }
return true;
}else{ printf("isRejectTransaction: [%s] not a Lottery tx, invalid type \n", sCashTxHash.c_str()); }
goto check_Complete;
// is a lottery cash tx
//if( validateAddress(sMakerAddr_cash) == false ){ goto check_Complete; }
if( sSignMsg.length() < 60 ){
printf("isRejectTransaction: Cash tx [%s]'s msg sign [%s] invalid \n", sCashTxHash.c_str(), sSignMsg.c_str());
goto check_Complete;
if( verifyMessage(sMakerAddr_cash, sSignMsg, sLotteryBetTxid) == false ) // check cash sender is sMakerAddr_cash's owner
printf("isRejectTransaction: Cash tx [%s] sign invalid \n", sCashTxHash.c_str());
goto check_Complete;
bCashMsgSignOk = true;
if( fDebug ){ printf("isRejectTransaction: Cash Msg Sign Ok \n"); }
string sLotId_bet, sGuessTxt_bet, sMakerAddr_bet, sLotteryLinkedTxid_gen, sSignMsg_bet;
int iLotteryType_bet, iGuessType_bet, iKeyLen_bet;
int64_t iAmount_bet, iMiniBet_bet, iStartBlock_bet, iEndBlock_bet;
int iBetTxHei = GetTransactionBlockHeight(sLotteryBetTxid);
if( iBetTxHei < BitNetLotteryStartTestBlock_286000 )
printf("isRejectTransaction: Bet tx [%s] not exists or invalid, hei =[%u] \n", sLotteryBetTxid.c_str(), iBetTxHei);
goto check_Complete;
// get linked bet tx info
i = GetTxMsgParam(sLotteryBetTxid, sLotId_bet, iLotteryType_bet, iGuessType_bet, iAmount_bet, iMiniBet_bet, iStartBlock_bet, iEndBlock_bet, iKeyLen_bet,
sGuessTxt_bet, sLotteryAddr_bet, sLotteryPrivKey_bet, sMakerAddr_bet, sLotteryLinkedTxid_gen, sSignMsg);
if( i < 15 )
printf("isRejectTransaction: Cash tx [%s] linked bet tx [%s] is invalid, params count < 15 \n", sCashTxHash.c_str(), sLotteryBetTxid.c_str());
goto check_Complete;
if( sMakerAddr_cash != sMakerAddr_bet )
printf("isRejectTransaction: Cash tx [%s] maker [%s] != bet tx [%s] maker [%s], invalid \n", sCashTxHash.c_str(), sMakerAddr_cash.c_str(), sLotteryBetTxid.c_str(), sMakerAddr_bet.c_str());
goto check_Complete;
if( iLotteryType_bet != 2 )
if( iLotteryType_bet != 1 ) // If no one guessed, Lottery maker can cash it.
printf("isRejectTransaction: [%s] not a bet and genesis tx, invalid type \n", sLotteryBetTxid.c_str());
goto check_Complete;
if( fDebug ){ printf("isRejectTransaction: Cash tx linked genesis lottery \n"); }
// Is a Genesis lottery, Cash tx linked a Genesis tx, sMakerAddr_cash must be this lottery's creater
if( iCashTxHei < (iEndBlock_bet + iBitNetBlockMargin3) )
printf("isRejectTransaction: Can't cash, iCashTxHei [%u] < [%I64u], please wait :(\n", iCashTxHei, (iEndBlock_bet + iBitNetBlockMargin3));
goto check_Complete;
/* if( sMakerAddr_cash != sMakerAddr_bet ){
printf("sMakerAddr_cash [%s] != sMakerAddr_bet [%s], not this lottery's creater :( ", sMakerAddr_cash.c_str(), sMakerAddr_bet.c_str());
goto check_Complete;
} */
//bool isValidLotteryGenesisTxs(const string& txID, int iTxHei, int iTargetGuessType, int iTargetGuessLen, int64_t i6TargetBlock, const string sTargetMaker, const string sTargetGenesisAddr)
if( isValidLotteryGenesisTxs(sLotteryBetTxid, iBetTxHei, -1, -1, 0, sMakerAddr_cash, "") == false )
printf("isRejectTransaction: [%s] is a genesis tx, but not under rules :(\n", sLotteryBetTxid.c_str());
goto check_Complete;
sCashTxLinkedGenesisTx = sLotteryBetTxid.c_str();
// sMakerAddr_cash is this lottery's creater
// scan all of (iStartBlock ~ iEndBlock) blocks, find Bet biggest winner
sLotteryAnswer = getBlockNByteHashStrByType(iEndBlock_bet, iKeyLen_bet, iGuessType_bet);
if( fDebug ){ printf("isRejectTransaction: sLotteryAnswer = [%s], sGuessTxt_bet = [%s] \n", sLotteryAnswer.c_str(), sGuessTxt_bet.c_str()); }
//int getBetBiggerWinnerFromBlockRange(int iBlockBegin, int iBlockEnd, int iTargetGuessLen, int iTargetGuessType, const string sCorrectAnswer, const string sLotteryGenAddr,
// int64_t v_TargetValue, string& sRztBiggerAddr, int64_t& i6RztBiggerValue)
if( getBetBiggerWinnerFromBlockRange(iStartBlock_bet, (iEndBlock_bet - iBitNetBlockMargin3), iKeyLen_bet, iGuessType_bet, sLotteryAnswer, sLotteryAddr_bet, iMiniBet_bet, sRztBiggerAddr, i6RztBiggerValue) > 0 )
// someone guessed
if( sRztBiggerAddr == sMakerAddr_cash )
bCasherIsWinner = true;
if( fDebug ){ printf("isRejectTransaction: [%s] linked lottery's winner is creator [%s]\n", sCashTxHash.c_str(), sRztBiggerAddr.c_str()); }
}else{ if( fDebug ){ printf("isRejectTransaction: [%s] linked lottery's winner is [%s], not creator [%s] \n", sCashTxHash.c_str(), sRztBiggerAddr.c_str(), sMakerAddr_cash.c_str()); } }
}else{ // no one guessed, lottery creater is winner
sRztBiggerAddr = sMakerAddr_cash;
i6RztBiggerValue = iAmount_bet;
bCasherIsWinner = true;
if( fDebug ){ printf("isRejectTransaction: [%s] linked lottery's winner is creator [%s]\n", sCashTxHash.c_str(), sRztBiggerAddr.c_str()); }
goto check_Complete;
// is lottery bet tx
if( fDebug ){ printf("isRejectTransaction: Cash tx linked bet lottery \n"); }
if( (iGuessType_bet < 0) || (iGuessType_bet > 1) ) // 0 = guess n byte of block hash text, 1 = guess n byte of block hash digital add
printf("isRejectTransaction: Bet guess type [%u] invalid \n", iGuessType_bet);
goto check_Complete;
int iGenTxHei = GetTransactionBlockHeight(sLotteryLinkedTxid_gen);
if( (iGenTxHei < BitNetLotteryStartTestBlock_286000) || (iBetTxHei < iGenTxHei) )
printf("isRejectTransaction: Genesis tx [%s] not exists or invalid, hei =[%u] \n", sLotteryLinkedTxid_gen.c_str(), iGenTxHei);
goto check_Complete;
//bool isValidLotteryGenesisTxs(const string& txID, int iTxHei, int iTargetGuessType, int iTargetGuessLen, int64_t i6TargetBlock, const string sTargetMaker, const string sTargetGenesisAddr)
/* if( isValidLotteryGenesisTxs(sLotteryLinkedTxid_gen, iGenTxHei, iGuessType_bet, iKeyLen_bet, 0, sMakerAddr_cash, sLotteryAddr_bet) == false )
printf("Bet tx [%s] linked genesis tx [%s] not under rules :(\n", sLotteryBetTxid.c_str(), sLotteryLinkedTxid_gen.c_str());
goto check_Complete;
} */
string sLotId_gen, sGuessTxt_gen, sLotteryAddr_gen, sLotteryPrivKey_gen, sMakerAddr_gen, sLotteryGenesisTxid_gen;
int iLotteryType_gen, iGuessType_gen, iKeyLen_gen;
int64_t iAmount_gen, iMiniBet_gen, iStartBlock_gen, iEndBlock_gen;
// get linked Genesis tx info
i = GetTxMsgParam(sLotteryLinkedTxid_gen, sLotId_gen, iLotteryType_gen, iGuessType_gen, iAmount_gen, iMiniBet_gen, iStartBlock_gen, iEndBlock_gen, iKeyLen_gen,
sGuessTxt_gen, sLotteryAddr_gen, sLotteryPrivKey_gen, sMakerAddr_gen, sLotteryGenesisTxid_gen, sSignMsg);
if( i < 15 )
printf("isRejectTransaction: Cash tx [%s] linked bet tx [%s] linked [%s] invalid, params count < 15 \n", sCashTxHash.c_str(), sLotteryBetTxid.c_str(), sLotteryLinkedTxid_gen.c_str());
goto check_Complete;
if( iLotteryType_gen != 1 )
printf("isRejectTransaction: [%s] not a genesis tx, invalid type \n", sLotteryLinkedTxid_gen.c_str());
goto check_Complete;
// is lottery Genesis tx
if( iCashTxHei <= (iEndBlock_gen + iBitNetBlockMargin3) )
printf("isRejectTransaction: Cash tx [%s]'s hei [%u] must > [%I64u], please wait \n", sCashTxHash.c_str(), iCashTxHei, (int64_t)(iEndBlock_gen + iBitNetBlockMargin3));
goto check_Complete;
//if( (iGenTxHei < iStartBlock_gen) || (iGenTxHei > iEndBlock) || (iEndBlock - iBitNetBlockMargin3)) )
if( (iBetTxHei < iStartBlock_gen) || (iBetTxHei > (iEndBlock_gen - iBitNetBlockMargin3)) )
printf("isRejectTransaction: Bet tx [%s]'s Hei (%u) not under rules, invalid :(\n", sLotteryBetTxid.c_str(), iBetTxHei);
goto check_Complete;
int64_t i6Mini = MIN_Lottery_Create_Amount;
if( isBitNetLotteryRuleStart() ){ i6Mini = BitNet_Lottery_Create_Mini_Amount_5K; }
if( iAmount_gen < i6Mini )
printf("isRejectTransaction: Genesis tx Amount [%I64u] < lottery's mini value [%I64u] :(\n", (iAmount_gen / COIN), (i6Mini / COIN));
goto check_Complete;
if( iAmount_bet < iMiniBet_gen )
printf("isRejectTransaction: bet amount [%I64u] < mini bet [%I64u] \n", (iAmount_bet / COIN), (iMiniBet_gen / COIN));
goto check_Complete;
if( iGuessType_bet != iGuessType_gen )
printf("isRejectTransaction: bet type [%u] != genesis type [%u] \n", iGuessType_bet, iGuessType_gen);
goto check_Complete;
if( iKeyLen_bet != iKeyLen_gen ) // guess block's hash text
printf("isRejectTransaction: bet type [%u], guess len [%u] != genesis guess key len [%u] \n", iGuessType_bet, iKeyLen_bet, iKeyLen_gen);
goto check_Complete;
if( isValidPrivKeysAddress(sLotteryPrivKey_gen, sLotteryAddr_gen) == 0 )
printf("isRejectTransaction: Genesis lottery PrivKey [%s]'s PubKey not equ [%s] :(\n", sLotteryPrivKey_gen.c_str(), sLotteryAddr_gen.c_str());
goto check_Complete;
if( GetCoinAddrInTxOutIndex(sLotteryLinkedTxid_gen, sLotteryAddr_gen, iAmount_gen) == -1 ) // Check Lottery Amount, =-1 is invalid
printf("isRejectTransaction: Genesis tx not include: [%I64u] coins sent to Genesis lottery address [%s] \n", (iAmount_gen / COIN), sLotteryAddr_gen.c_str());
goto check_Complete;
if( GetCoinAddrInTxOutIndex(sLotteryBetTxid, sLotteryAddr_gen, iAmount_bet) == -1 )
printf("isRejectTransaction: Bet tx not include: [%I64u] coins sent to Genesis lottery address [%s] \n", (iAmount_bet / COIN), sLotteryAddr_gen.c_str());
goto check_Complete;
sLotteryAnswer = getBlockNByteHashStrByType(iEndBlock_gen, iKeyLen_gen, iGuessType_gen);
if( fDebug ){ printf("isRejectTransaction: sLotteryAnswer = [%s], Bet txt = [%s] \n", sLotteryAnswer.c_str(), sGuessTxt_bet.c_str()); }
if( sGuessTxt_bet != sLotteryAnswer )
printf("isRejectTransaction: Bet guess text [%s] != [%s], Type = [%u] \n", sGuessTxt_bet.c_str(), sLotteryAnswer.c_str(), iGuessType_gen);
goto check_Complete;
// scan all of (iStartBlock_gen ~ iEndBlock_gen)'s block includes tx, find the "Bet Max" and "Bet first" bettor's address
if( getBetBiggerWinnerFromBlockRange(iStartBlock_gen, (iEndBlock_gen - iBitNetBlockMargin3), iKeyLen_gen, iGuessType_gen, sGuessTxt_bet, sLotteryAddr_gen, iAmount_bet, sRztBiggerAddr, i6RztBiggerValue) > 0 )
// someone guessed
if( sRztBiggerAddr == sMakerAddr_cash )
bCasherIsWinner = true;
sCashTxLinkedGenesisTx = sLotteryLinkedTxid_gen;
if( fDebug ){ printf("isRejectTransaction: [%s] linked lottery's winner is casher [%s]\n", sCashTxHash.c_str(), sRztBiggerAddr.c_str()); }
}else{ if( fDebug ){ printf("[%s] linked lottery's winner is [%s], not casher [%s] \n", sCashTxHash.c_str(), sRztBiggerAddr.c_str(), sMakerAddr_cash.c_str()); } }
}else{ // no one guessed, lottery creater is winner
if( fDebug ){ printf("isRejectTransaction: [%s] linked bet lottery's winner != [%s]\n", sCashTxHash.c_str(), sMakerAddr_cash.c_str()); }
}else{ if( fDebug )printf("isRejectTransaction: [%s] not a lottery tx, params count [%u] < 15 \n", sCashTxHash.c_str(), i); }
if( fDebug ){ printf( "isRejectTransaction: check_Complete, bCasherIsWinner = [%u], = [%u], sCashTxLinkedGenesisTx = [%s], sRztBiggerAddr = [%s], \n", bCasherIsWinner,, sCashTxLinkedGenesisTx.c_str(), sRztBiggerAddr.c_str() ); }
int j = 0;
BOOST_FOREACH(const CTxIn& txin,
uint256 hashBlock = 0;
CTransaction txPrev;
if( GetTransaction(txin.prevout.hash, txPrev, hashBlock) ) // get the vin's previous transaction
string sPrevTxMsg = txPrev.vpndata;
CTxDestination source;
string preTxAddress = "";
string sPreTxHash = txPrev.GetHash().ToString();
int iPreTxHei = GetTransactionBlockHeight(sPreTxHash);
if (ExtractDestination(txPrev.vout[txin.prevout.n].scriptPubKey, source))
CBitcoinAddress addressSource(source);
preTxAddress = addressSource.ToString();
// check for lottery tx, only protect under rules lottery.
string sLotId_Pre, sGuessTxt_Pre, sLotteryAddr_Pre, sLotteryPrivKey_Pre, sMakerAddr_Pre, sLotteryLinkedTxid_Pre, sSignMsg_Pre;
int iLotteryType_Pre, iGuessType_Pre, iKeyLen_Pre;
int64_t iAmount_Pre, iMiniBet_Pre, iStartBlock_Pre, iEndBlock_Pre;
i = GetTxMsgParam(txPrev, sLotId_Pre, iLotteryType_Pre, iGuessType_Pre, iAmount_Pre, iMiniBet_Pre, iStartBlock_Pre, iEndBlock_Pre, iKeyLen_Pre,
sGuessTxt_Pre, sLotteryAddr_Pre, sLotteryPrivKey_Pre, sMakerAddr_Pre, sLotteryLinkedTxid_Pre, sSignMsg_Pre);
if( fDebug ){ printf("isRejectTransaction: (%u) iLotteryType_Pre = [%u], Hei = [%u], Prev Address = [%s], Prev Tx Hash = [%s], Tx Msg = [%s] \n", j, iLotteryType_Pre, iPreTxHei, preTxAddress.c_str(), sPreTxHash.c_str(), sPrevTxMsg.c_str()); }
//if( (sPrevTxMsg.length() > 34) && (sPrevTxMsg.find(strBitNetLotteryMagic) == 0) ) // "BitNet Lottery:"
if( i < 15 )
if( fDebug ){ printf("isRejectTransaction: (%u) Prev Tx [%s] not a lottery tx, params count [%u] < 15, continue \n", j, sPreTxHash.c_str(), i); }
// it's a lottery tx
bool bValidPayTx = false;
int iPreTx_linked_Hei = GetTransactionBlockHeight(sLotteryLinkedTxid_Pre); // genesis tx's sLotteryLinkedTxid_Pre is empt
if( fDebug ){ printf("isRejectTransaction: (%u) iPreTx_linked_Hei = [%u], iCashTxHei = [%u], sLotteryLinkedTxid_Pre [%s] \n", j, iPreTx_linked_Hei, iCashTxHei, sLotteryLinkedTxid_Pre.c_str()); }
if( (iPreTxHei < BitNetLotteryStartTestBlock_286000) || (iCashTxHei <= iPreTxHei) )
if( fDebug )printf("isRejectTransaction: (%u) iPreTxHei = [%u] not under rules, iCashTxHei = [%u], continue :(\n", j, iPreTxHei, iCashTxHei);
if( iLotteryType_Pre == 1 ) // genesis tx
//bool isValidLotteryGenesisTx(const CTransaction& tx, int iTxHei, int iTargetGuessType, int iTargetGuessLen, int64_t i6TargetBlock, const string sTargetMaker, const string sTargetGenesisAddr)
bValidPayTx = isValidLotteryGenesisTx(txPrev, iPreTxHei, -1, -1, 0, "", "");
else if( iLotteryType_Pre == 2 ) // bet tx
//bool isValidLotteryBetTx(const CTransaction& tx, int iTxHei, int iTargetGuessType, int iTargetGuessLen, int64_t i6TargetBlock, const string sTargetMaker, const string sTargetGenesisAddr)
bValidPayTx = isValidLotteryBetTx(txPrev, iPreTxHei, -1, -1, 0, "", "");
if( fDebug )printf("isRejectTransaction: (%u) invalid lottery, type [%u], continue \n", j, iLotteryType_Pre);
if( fDebug ){ printf("isRejectTransaction: (%u) bValidPayTx = [%u], bCasherIsWinner = [%u] \n", j, bValidPayTx, bCasherIsWinner); }
if( bCasherIsWinner == false )
if( bValidPayTx )
if( fDebug )printf("isRejectTransaction: (%u) sMakerAddr_cash(%s) not lottery cash tx [%s] linked tx's winner, will ban. \n", j, sMakerAddr_cash.c_str(), sCashTxHash.c_str());
if( isBitNetLotteryRuleStart() )
if( fDebug )printf("isRejectTransaction: (%u) isBitNetLotteryRuleStart, bCasherIsWinner = false, bValidPayTx = [%u], ban! \n*******************\n\n\n", j, bValidPayTx);
return true;
}else{ if( fDebug ){ printf("isRejectTransaction: (%u) bCasherIsWinner = false, bValidPayTx = false ... \n", j); } }
// sMakerAddr_cash is a winner, but it's all input lottery tx's winner? let's check it (check the lottery genesis tx).
if( fDebug ){ printf("isRejectTransaction: (%u) bCasherIsWinner = true, bValidPayTx = [%u], iLotteryType_Pre = [%u] \n", j, bValidPayTx, iLotteryType_Pre); }
if( bValidPayTx )
if( iLotteryType_Pre == 1 ) // genesis tx
if( sPreTxHash != sCashTxLinkedGenesisTx )
if( fDebug )printf("isRejectTransaction: (%u) [%s] is genesis tx [%s]'s winner, but can't cash other genesis tx [%s]'s, will ban. \n", j, sMakerAddr_cash.c_str(), sCashTxLinkedGenesisTx.c_str(), sPreTxHash.c_str());
if( isBitNetLotteryRuleStart() )
if( fDebug ){ printf("[%s] end ********************\n\n\n", sCashTxHash.c_str()); }
return true;
else if( iLotteryType_Pre == 2 ) // bet tx
if( sLotteryLinkedTxid_Pre != sCashTxLinkedGenesisTx )
if( fDebug )printf("isRejectTransaction: (%u) [%s] is genesis tx [%s]'s winner, but can't cash bet tx linked other genesis tx [%s]'s, will ban. \n", j, sMakerAddr_cash.c_str(), sCashTxLinkedGenesisTx.c_str(), sLotteryLinkedTxid_Pre.c_str());
if( isBitNetLotteryRuleStart() )
if( fDebug ){ printf("[%s] end ********************\n\n\n", sCashTxHash.c_str()); }
return true;
}else{ if( fDebug )printf("isRejectTransaction: (%u) bCasherIsWinner = true, bValidPayTx = false, iLotteryType_Pre = [%u], continue\n", j, iLotteryType_Pre); }
}else{ if( fDebug )printf("isRejectTransaction: (%u) GetTransaction(txin.prevout.hash, txPrev, hashBlock) false, continue \n", j); }
if( !rzt ){ if( fDebug ){ printf("isRejectTransaction: i Will Ban = [%u], bCashMsgSign = [%u], bCasherIsWinner = [%u] \n", iWillBan, bCashMsgSignOk, bCasherIsWinner); }}
if( fDebug ){ printf("[%s] end ********************\n\n\n", sCashTxHash.c_str()); }
return rzt;
string GetPrivKeysAddress(string &strSecret)
string rzt = "";
CBitcoinSecret vchSecret;
bool fGood = vchSecret.SetString(strSecret);
if ( !fGood ) return rzt;
CKey key;
bool fCompressed;
CSecret secret = vchSecret.GetSecret(fCompressed);
key.SetSecret(secret, fCompressed);
CKeyID vchAddress = key.GetPubKey().GetID();
CBitcoinAddress ba(vchAddress);
rzt = ba.ToString();
return rzt;
bool isValidPrivKeysAddress(string &strSecret, string &sAddr)
bool rzt = false;
if( strSecret.length() < 34 ) return rzt;
if( sAddr.length() < 34 ) return rzt;
string vAddr = GetPrivKeysAddress(strSecret);
rzt = ( sAddr == vAddr );
return rzt;
int GetTxMsgParam(const CTransaction& tx, string& sLotteryId, int& iCardType, int& iGuessType, int64_t& iAmount, int64_t& iMiniBet, int64_t& iStartBlock, int64_t& iEndBlock, int& iKeyLen,
string& sGuessTxt, string& sLotteryAddr, string& sLotteryPrivKey, string& sMakerAddr, string& sLotteryLinkedTxid, string& sSignMsg)
int rzt = 0;
string stxData = "";
if( tx.vpndata.length() > 0 ){ stxData = tx.vpndata.c_str(); }
//if( fDebug ){ printf("GetTxMsgParam: tx Msg = [%s] \n", stxData.c_str()); }
// Lottery Flag | Lottery ID | Card Type( Create = 1, Bet = 2, Cash = 3 ) | Guess Type | Amount | Mini Bet | Start block | Target block | Guess HASH Len | Guess Txt | Lottery wallet address | Lottery wallet PrivKey | Def_WalletAddress | Lottery Tx ID Str ( If it's Bet tx ) | SignMsg ( if it's Cash tx )
// BitNet Lottery: | 123456 | 1 | 0 | 10000 | 500 | 234000 | 235000 | 6 | Vbq7grdv6caVBf1RoHPJZ9RuhsHqmY3bLi | WarWyAu2UsCKzjQWvKMT5vBbMypMuS2ru37QtUdNoFDySTjxH8uY | VevimYsrNKWbx2W6Bnq2qyLthcnEasLMTg | 21051c47f29dd01a828cd6197ce6563d4c184ecff3e34a0599fa2af8d6c65ef5 | H3rQLBiDTZwKB1OGFo8zs5RJr/XH2ubrIHGTCKnOdP4bHsu5KgikkBPujJWJ6VweY7ZZR19JbjH7kZ8qKI50h1k=
if( (stxData.length() > 34) && (stxData.find(strBitNetLotteryMagic) == 0) ) // "BitNet Lottery:"
char * pch;
char *delim = "|";
int i = 0;
sLotteryId = "";
string sAmount = "", sMiniBet = "";
sGuessTxt = "", sSignMsg = "";
string sStartBlock = "", sEndBlock = "", sKeyLen = "";
sLotteryAddr = "", sLotteryPrivKey = "", sMakerAddr = "", sLotteryLinkedTxid = "";
iAmount = 0, iMiniBet = 0, iStartBlock = 0, iEndBlock = 0;
iKeyLen = 0, iCardType = 0, iGuessType = 0;
double dv = 0;
char * pVpn = (char *)stxData.c_str();
//printf ("vpndata = [%s]\n", pVpn);
pch = strtok(pVpn, delim);
while (pch != NULL)
if( i == 2 ){ sLotteryId = pch; }
else if( i == 3 ){ iCardType = atoi(pch); } // create = 1, bet = 2, cash = 3
else if( i == 4 ){ iGuessType = atoi(pch); }
else if( i == 5 ){ sAmount = pch; dv = atof(pch); iAmount = roundint64(dv * COIN); }
else if( i == 6 ){ sMiniBet = pch; dv = atof(pch); iMiniBet = roundint64(dv * COIN); }
else if( i == 7 ){ sStartBlock = pch; dv = atof(pch); iStartBlock = roundint64(dv); } //S_To_64(pch); }
else if( i == 8 ){ sEndBlock = pch; iEndBlock = S_To_64(pch); }
else if( i == 9 ){ sKeyLen = pch; iKeyLen = atoi(pch); }
else if( i == 10 ){ sGuessTxt = pch; }
else if( i == 11 ){ sLotteryAddr = pch; }
else if( i == 12 ){ sLotteryPrivKey = pch; }
else if( i == 13 ){ sMakerAddr = pch; }
else if( i == 14 ){ sLotteryLinkedTxid = pch; }
else if( i == 15 ){ sSignMsg = pch; }
//if( fDebug ){ printf ("%s, %d\n", pch, i); }
pch = strtok (NULL, delim);
rzt = i;
return rzt;
bool isValidLotteryGenesisTx(const CTransaction& tx, int iTxHei, int iTargetGuessType, int iTargetGuessLen, int64_t i6TargetBlock, const string sTargetMaker, const string sTargetGenesisAddr)
bool rzt = false;
string sTxHash = tx.GetHash().ToString();
if( iTxHei == -1 ){ iTxHei = GetTransactionBlockHeight(sTxHash); }
if( iTxHei == 0 ){
if( fDebug ) printf("isValidLotteryGenesisTx: Tx [%s] Hei = 0, set to nBestHeight [%u] \n", sTxHash.c_str(), nBestHeight);
iTxHei = nBestHeight;
if( fDebug ){ printf("isValidLotteryGenesisTx: Tx [%s] Hei = [%u], nBestHeight [%u] \n", sTxHash.c_str(), iTxHei, nBestHeight); }
if( iTxHei < BitNetLotteryStartTestBlock_286000 ){ return rzt; }
string sLotId, sGuessTxt, sLotteryAddr, sLotteryPrivKey, sMakerAddr, sLotteryGenesisTxid, sSignMsg;
int iLotteryType, iGuessType, iHashLen;
int64_t iAmount, iMiniBet, iStartBlock, iEndBlock;
int i = GetTxMsgParam(tx, sLotId, iLotteryType, iGuessType, iAmount, iMiniBet, iStartBlock, iEndBlock, iHashLen, sGuessTxt, sLotteryAddr, sLotteryPrivKey, sMakerAddr, sLotteryGenesisTxid, sSignMsg);
if( (i < 15) || (iLotteryType != 1) || (iHashLen < 1) || (iHashLen > 64) )
if( fDebug ){ printf("isValidLotteryGenesisTx: i (%u) < 15 or iLotteryType(%u) != 1 or iHashLen(%u) < 1 or > 64 \n", i, iLotteryType, iHashLen); }
return rzt;
} // block hash len = 64
if( fDebug ){ printf("isValidLotteryGenesisTx: iGuessType = [%u], sLotteryAddr = [%s], sMakerAddr = [%s]\n", iGuessType, sLotteryAddr.c_str(), sMakerAddr.c_str()); }
if( (iGuessType < 0) || (iGuessType > 1) ){ return rzt; }
if( validateAddress(sLotteryAddr) == false ){ return rzt; }
if( validateAddress(sMakerAddr) == false ){ return rzt; }
if( (iTargetGuessType != -1) && (iTargetGuessType != iGuessType) ){ return rzt; }
if( (iTargetGuessLen != -1) && (iTargetGuessLen != iHashLen) ){ return rzt; }
if( (i6TargetBlock != 0) && (i6TargetBlock != iEndBlock) ){ return rzt; }
if( (sTargetMaker.length() > 30) && (sTargetMaker != sMakerAddr) ){ return rzt; }
if( (sTargetGenesisAddr.length() > 30) && (sLotteryAddr != sTargetGenesisAddr) ){ return rzt; }
int64_t i6Mini = MIN_Lottery_Create_Amount;
if( isBitNetLotteryRuleStart() ){ i6Mini = BitNet_Lottery_Create_Mini_Amount_5K; }
if( iAmount < i6Mini )
if( fDebug ) printf("isValidLotteryGenesisTx: Amount [%I64u] < publish lottery's mini value [%I64u] :(\n", iAmount / COIN, i6Mini / COIN);
return rzt;
if( (iTxHei < iStartBlock) || (iTxHei > (iEndBlock - (BitNetBeginAndEndBlockMargin_Mini_30 - 10))) ) //iBitNetBlockMargin3
if( fDebug ) printf("isValidLotteryGenesisTx: Blocks not under rules, Hei = [%u] : [%I64u ~ %I64u] :(\n", iTxHei, iStartBlock, (iEndBlock - 20));
return rzt;
int64_t i6mg = iEndBlock - iStartBlock;
if( (iEndBlock > iStartBlock) && (i6mg >= BitNetBeginAndEndBlockMargin_Mini_30) && (i6mg <= BitNetBeginAndEndBlockMargin_Max_4320) ) // Target block number must big than start block
if( isValidPrivKeysAddress(sLotteryPrivKey, sLotteryAddr) )
if( GetCoinAddrInTxOutIndex(tx, sLotteryAddr, iAmount) >= 0 ) // Check Lottery Amount, =-1 is invalid
rzt = true;
if( fDebug ){ printf("isValidLotteryGenesisTx: Yes :) \n"); }
}else{ printf("isValidLotteryGenesisTx: [%I64u] coins not send to [%s] :(\n", iAmount, sLotteryAddr.c_str()); }
}else{ printf("isValidLotteryGenesisTx: Lottery PrivKey [%s]'s PubKey not equ [%s] :(\n", sLotteryPrivKey.c_str(), sLotteryAddr.c_str()); }
}else{ printf("isValidLotteryGenesisTx: Lottery Block (%I64u) : (%I64u) not under rules :(\n", iStartBlock, iEndBlock); }
return rzt;
bool isValidLotteryBetTx(const CTransaction& tx, int iTxHei, int iTargetGuessType, int iTargetGuessLen, int64_t i6TargetBlock, const string sTargetMaker, const string sTargetGenesisAddr)
bool rzt = false;
string sTxHash = tx.GetHash().ToString();
if( iTxHei == -1 ){ iTxHei = GetTransactionBlockHeight(sTxHash); }
if( iTxHei == 0 ){
if( fDebug ) printf("isValidLotteryBetTx: Tx [%s] Hei = 0, set to nBestHeight [%u] \n", sTxHash.c_str(), nBestHeight);
iTxHei = nBestHeight;
if( fDebug ){ printf("isValidLotteryBetTx: Tx [%s] Hei = [%u], nBestHeight = [%u] \n", sTxHash.c_str(), iTxHei, nBestHeight); }
if( iTxHei < BitNetLotteryStartTestBlock_286000 ){ return rzt; }
string sLotId, sGuessTxt, sLotteryAddr, sLotteryPrivKey, sMakerAddr, sLotteryGenesisTxid, sSignMsg;
int iLotteryType, iGuessType, iHashLen;
int64_t iAmount, iMiniBet, iStartBlock, iEndBlock;
int i = GetTxMsgParam(tx, sLotId, iLotteryType, iGuessType, iAmount, iMiniBet, iStartBlock, iEndBlock, iHashLen, sGuessTxt, sLotteryAddr, sLotteryPrivKey, sMakerAddr, sLotteryGenesisTxid, sSignMsg);
if( (i < 15) || (iLotteryType != 2) || (iHashLen < 1) || (iHashLen > 64) )
if( fDebug ) printf("isValidLotteryBetTx: (i[%u] < 15) || (iLotteryType[%u] != 2) || (iHashLen[%u] < 1) || (iHashLen > 64) :( \n", i, iLotteryType, iHashLen);
return rzt;
} // block hash len = 64
if( (iGuessType < 0) || (iGuessType > 1) )
if( fDebug ) printf("isValidLotteryBetTx: (iGuessType < 0) || (iGuessType > 1) :( \n");
return rzt;
if( validateAddress(sMakerAddr) == false )
if( fDebug ) printf("isValidLotteryBetTx: sMakerAddr [%s] invalid :( \n", sMakerAddr.c_str());
return rzt;
if( validateAddress(sLotteryAddr) == false )
if( fDebug ) printf("isValidLotteryBetTx: sLotteryAddr [%s] invalid :( \n", sLotteryAddr.c_str());
return rzt;
if( (iTargetGuessType != -1) && (iTargetGuessType != iGuessType) )
if( fDebug ) printf("isValidLotteryBetTx: '(iTargetGuessType != -1) && (iTargetGuessType != iGuessType)' :(\n");
return rzt;
if( (iTargetGuessLen != -1) && (iTargetGuessLen != iHashLen) )
if( fDebug ) printf("isValidLotteryBetTx: '(iTargetGuessLen != -1) && (iTargetGuessLen != iHashLen)' :(\n");
return rzt;
if( (i6TargetBlock > BitNetLotteryStartTestBlock_286000) && (i6TargetBlock != iEndBlock) )
if( fDebug ) printf("isValidLotteryBetTx: 'i6TargetBlock > BitNetLotteryStartTestBlock_286000) && (i6TargetBlock != iEndBlock)' :( \n");
return rzt;
if( (sTargetMaker.length() > 30) && (sTargetMaker != sMakerAddr) )
if( fDebug ) printf("isValidLotteryBetTx: '(sTargetMaker.length() > 30) && (sTargetMaker != sMakerAddr)' :(\n");
return rzt;
if( (sTargetGenesisAddr.length() > 30) && (sLotteryAddr != sTargetGenesisAddr) )
if( fDebug ) printf("isValidLotteryBetTx: '(sTargetGenesisAddr.length() > 30) && (sLotteryAddr != sTargetGenesisAddr)' :( \n");
return rzt;
int iTxHei_gen = GetTransactionBlockHeight(sLotteryGenesisTxid);
if( fDebug ){ printf("isValidLotteryBetTx: iTxHei_gen = [%u], iTxHei = [%u], [%s] \n", iTxHei_gen, iTxHei, sLotteryGenesisTxid.c_str()); }
//isValidLotteryBetTx: iTxHei_gen = [286893], iTxHei = [286893], [91b12f9f1961233ec9e2ddbbb3363b45d5b6a701bbbd8b332361a123b29cd343]
if( (iTxHei_gen < BitNetLotteryStartTestBlock_286000) || (iTxHei <= iTxHei_gen) )
if( fDebug ) printf("isValidLotteryBetTx: '(iTxHei_gen(%u) < BitNetLotteryStartTestBlock_286000) || (iTxHei[%u] <= iTxHei_gen)' :( \n", iTxHei_gen, iTxHei);
return rzt;
//bool isValidLotteryGenesisTxs(const string& txID, int iTxHei, int iTargetGuessType, int iTargetGuessLen, int64_t i6TargetBlock, const string sTargetMaker, const string sTargetGenesisAddr)
if( isValidLotteryGenesisTxs(sLotteryGenesisTxid, iTxHei_gen, iGuessType, iHashLen, iEndBlock, "", sLotteryAddr) == false )
if( fDebug ) printf("isValidLotteryBetTx: Tx [%s] linked Genesis tx [%s] invalid :( \n", sTxHash.c_str(), sLotteryGenesisTxid.c_str());
return rzt;
string sLotId_gen, sGuessTxt_gen, sLotteryAddr_gen, sLotteryPrivKey_gen, sMakerAddr_gen, sLotteryGenesisTxid_gen, sSignMsg_gen;
int iLotteryType_gen, iGuessType_gen, iKeyLen_gen;
int64_t iAmount_gen, iMiniBet_gen, iStartBlock_gen, iEndBlock_gen;
i = GetTxMsgParam(sLotteryGenesisTxid, sLotId_gen, iLotteryType_gen, iGuessType_gen, iAmount_gen, iMiniBet_gen, iStartBlock_gen, iEndBlock_gen, iKeyLen_gen,
sGuessTxt_gen, sLotteryAddr_gen, sLotteryPrivKey_gen, sMakerAddr_gen, sLotteryGenesisTxid_gen, sSignMsg_gen);
if( (i < 15) || (iLotteryType_gen != 1) )
if( fDebug ) printf("isValidLotteryBetTx: params count [%u] < 15 Or iLotteryType_gen(%u) != 1:( \n", i, iLotteryType_gen);
return rzt;
if( (iTxHei < iStartBlock_gen) || (iTxHei > (iEndBlock_gen - iBitNetBlockMargin3)) )
if( fDebug ) printf( "isValidLotteryBetTx: Hei (%u) not under rules (%I64u ~ %I64u), invalid :( \n", iTxHei, iStartBlock_gen, (iEndBlock_gen - iBitNetBlockMargin3) );
return rzt;
if( iAmount < iMiniBet_gen )
if( fDebug ) printf("isValidLotteryBetTx: Bet Amount [%I64u] less than genesis tx's MiniBet [%I64u] :( \n", iAmount, iMiniBet_gen);
return rzt;
if( GetCoinAddrInTxOutIndex(tx, sLotteryAddr_gen, iAmount) >= 0 ) // Check bet is send to lottery genesis tx's Address
rzt = true;
if( fDebug ){ printf("isValidLotteryBetTx: Yes :) \n"); }
}else{ printf("isValidLotteryBetTx: not found bet [%I64u] send to gen address [%s] :( \n", iAmount, sLotteryAddr_gen.c_str()); }
return rzt;