Russia, Cyprus. soon Gibraltar.
Will you be subject to regulations from these countries?
Or is the platform extrajudicial?
We opt to be regulated as a gambling institution. There has been uncertainty regarding this aspect as formally we are not hosting or developing any e-gaming applications on our own, we simply provide a toolbox, a platform that is capable of injecting unbiased distributed entropy at arbitrary frequencies for the purposes of developing and deploying distributed applications. In fact, Sp8de goes far beyond casino applications; gambling is simply the most obvious use-case.
In light of this, we have had an uneasy choice between not getting licensed having to argue every time why we do not need the license to operate and going through the nightmare of acquiring the licensed casino status without an actual need to do so. So, finally, answering your question: yes, we are going to be regulated. We will offer all the gambling applications developed on our blockchain a choice to pass our audit and get the 'licensed' status. This choice is completely voluntary.
Yet, the prosses of acquiring these licenses is long and tedious, so it is still on our roadmap. We plan to accomplish this by the time we release our platform at least in Gibraltar. Others will follow shortly afterward.
Have you guys discussed it with a legal team?
That's some good advice. If they can afford to have a very good legal time look at this, they could actually save a lot of money in the long term if they advise against going through regulation processes.