I get an Armory.app file and drag it to /Applications directory
I double-click on this file... icon was jumping 3 times and disappear
(because of segfault)
so I run a console to run it and
/Applications/Armory.app/Contents/MacOS/Armory: line 5: 62302 Segmentation fault: 11 bin/python armorybuild/ArmoryQt.pyc
I also tried
$ open ~/Library/Application\ Support/Armory
The file /Users/scls/Library/Application Support/Armory does not exist.
But there is no directory named Armory...
so segfault appears before creating log file
I also tried with --offline flag
/Applications/Armory.app/Contents/MacOS/Armory --offline
/Applications/Armory.app/Contents/MacOS/Armory: line 5: 734 Segmentation fault: 11 bin/python armorybuild/ArmoryQt.pyc