We have updated the look of our website! We are slowly editing different sections and adding more!
Let us know what you think!
THCG (The Hedge Coin Group)
1, the website became more slow
2, dont use WIX..
3, any news on the cloud mining?
4, what about my brilliant idea
, i did not get any credit for it :d
Thanks for the feedback regarding our website speed! We recently hired a Web developer, and they seem to have not been that great, which is unfortunate. We will keep trying to update the website to work better!
Cloud mining contracts are still in the works! We are getting in contact with more (hopefully better) web developers that can create a website for us too!
Thank you for the great idea! Also, the last time I received an email from you regarding purchases, I'm not sure if you got my response. We are willing to do escrow services on small orders of machines (10-20) if you pay for the escrow and we are able to verify escrow conditions etc.
Let me know if you're still interested and I hope you had a great holiday season!
THCG (The Hedge Coin Group)
Alright everyone!
A brand new and exciting announcement.
Our Mongolian facility is up and running! We are figuring out last minute logistics such as shipping address right now but everything else is set up.
We will be holding a photo shoot tomorrow so expect photos in a couple of days time!
We will begin contacting individuals to sign their hosting contracts soon! Keep an eye out for the email.
THCG (The Hedge Coin Group)
12 days ago, you promised a photos. Where are they?
Sorry for the late response! We were away for the holiday season! We stated before in the thread that our photographer backed out of the photo shoot and have currently been busy dealing with other business details with regards to the facility.
We have decided that our photos currently are adequate enough until we fill the facility up more, which will most likely be around February. We do not see much point in having photos taken of an empty facility and would much rather show a filled up facility!
We will get a photo up with our company name, the date, and our handles for reddit and bitcointalk up soon though.
If you have any other questions or concerns let me know!
THCG (The Hedge Coin Group)
We are changing our policy with regards to import fees! In order to minimize the upfront costs for you guys we will pay for the import taxes until your machines are set up and you can pay with the earnings you get from your machines later!
We also will have shipping done to our warehouse in Mongolia to reduce shipping costs! The warehouse will be used to do QA and QC on all machines we receive to ensure their quality before and after they exit out warehouse.
THCG (The Hedge Coin Group)