considering amount of tilt would influence the EVO ppl can get from weekly distro,i therefore change my mind and gonna deliver the bounty to those on the list :
kamiyama,kimjardon and brokedummy will get 12.5% each of 202511.18,so eash of you will get 25314 each.
dmanicus will get 2.5% more due to the scripts he provided lead the investigation on the more easier way,therefore he will get 30377 alone.
kamiyama=? (diamond)..please confirm if it is correct
i will deliver the bounty after 2 hours from now if there is no further objections.
@JamesOng Please, Don't transfer me nothing, I don't want chips from a fish without play with him
If alphawolf want get my part you want send to me, instead send me, you can transfer him or who want this chips, just make a public message here and ask this fucking 25314 chips.
@all This was another bad choice from our megatilt admin.
I'm not support that. I only merits to get the rewards about intelligentidiot and all his fucking alterego from the start.
The right choice I'm aspect to the admin was "chips should be burned" this is the right choice for the good for all community,
Incredible this. Admin send rewards to a fish can't win because don't know nothing about poker, and send rewards a who make a fucking script worthless without have the skill and know how to read.
Nevermind, I can only take the decision from our admin, so, nevermind for me. I feel so bad for 2 days, from today I want to go ahead from that.
@megatilt Was on the table with novcom about one hour ago, and we have fun with play without see the cards, so , I thinked to propose at novcom to make a video with that.
him accepted so I wrote him I propose to you this my idea. For me it's a good spread the words on youtube to know this crypto poker room to get more people here to play, because him play so funny and add him don't see the cards is really fun, is a good marketing for me to spread the words, when people join and try to play with him will know him. Who know how novcom play know why of this my statement
Also, I know novcom is from your country megatilt, maybe you can speak with him with your language to know more about him, I don't know nothing about him a part his style of play
What you think about making a good fun youtube video like that?
best regards,