It is estimated that every 14 seconds, individuals or companies will be attacked by ransomware. This is based on the 2019 Official Annual Cybercrime Report (ACR), which also states that most of these attacks are unreported. As a new person joins the social media platform every 15 seconds, the scope of ransomware vulnerabilities will continue to expand. In that situation what is your preparation?
Although not unbreakable, the blockchain has developed into one of the safest forms of transactions in the digital network field. According to design and expectations, the technology is praised for its information integrity assurance.
Our dozens of accounts are distributed throughout the network and are usually only protected by weak passwords, including bank accounts, health records, birthdays, social security numbers, and passport information.
The explosive growth of the information age of online data has led to the failure of security protocols that regularly expose our most sensitive information to malicious actors. Therefore, finding a reliable network security protocol is more important than ever.