Memang tokenpay dari dulu udah gak niat mau bayar. Saya sering menanyakan jamal kapan distribusi. Dan dia katakan semua data sudah di kirim ke pihak tokenpay supaya di cek, dan mereka belum memberikan informasi apa pun. Dan tokenpay sendiri bersikeras untuk tidak membayarkan bounty-nya daripada memberikan solusi terbaik. Mereka sudah punya semua datanya, tinggal resubmit data peserta dari email. saya rasa tidak begitu sulit.
We apologise most sincerely but the Bounty program has been cancelled. The company that TokenPay contracted to run the bounty program is run by Jamal (Jamalaezaz). We have been waiting for weeks for Jamal to respond to us, and eventually after sending the necessary information working diligently for further weeks to try to understand the data. This has cost us thousands of dollars in manpower auditing the spreadsheet that he sent. Unfortunately, we have discovered that over 70% of the addresses on the spreadsheet are fraudulent and belong to or entered by Jamal himself or his team. Also after confronting him he blocked us from all sheets and he closed the bounty thread. Therefore, as he violated our contract we are cancelling the bounty and we will not be continuing with the bounty distribution. We strongly recommend that you do not participate in any future bounty programs run by Jamal.
Danny and the rest of the team have spent days trying to sort out the mess left by Jamal but the state of affairs is such that we cannot, in fact, act upon the bounty. We very much appreciate that this is unfair to all those valued members of the Tokenpay community who engaged honestly with the bounty program, our team tried everything that could be done to rectify this issue. As one, we are feeling betrayed by Jamal. He has forced us to take steps which have resulted in members of our community not being rewarded for their honest, hard work. This is a step we do not take lightly, but given the circumstances it is a necessary one. This pains us greatly, and we appreciate your continued support in this matter.
Please see below for links which highlight some of the dubious activity: