Excuse some of my words below; I rarely go about saying what I mean to larger groups of people.
So, anyway - I cannot say what happens if EVERYBODY turns greed on, and dumps.
I can't. Nobody can. Truth is - these boards here are rotten with greed and worst shit you can find in people. All grace to the exceptions, but most of people here you wanna just avoid in real life.
So, if we're negative - sure - it'll all go to hell. But then, not just this.
IMHO - coin max number should be extended to about 40 billion. With a hard fork, no harm done if everyone updates wallet. But that's another story.
And yes - that puts early adopters to a bad place, because imagine the riches, but I got news for you - if no support gets started here from community and all we're left with are greedy bastards - coin is fucked and your millions in wallet don't mean a thing.
But the pre-mine stuff? That's just hillarious. Indeed - bitcointalk is not the only place on earth you'd ANN something. Sure, it's biggest, but not only one.
I remember days when there were no shows with releases of coins like they're now. Shows are to increase value, artificially, to market more, to get to the exchange soon and of course - profit. Funny enough, to profit in FIAT; and this is crypto world, right. Shit's gone mad.
So, all that, excuse me, bitching about pre-mine, which technically isn't because there was people mining, not one person - is actually purely because those wanted in sooner, and that's it.
It's late, I wouldn't wanna go further in, but tomorrow we can debate.
I'm a programmer, web kind, can do some stuff for any coin, of course, we'll see.
Important thing for everyone to ask themselves is: are you here to dump for profit only or what?
And exchanges - they can wait for a month, for sure. Especially for above reasons.
I read this in a Christopher Walken voice.