Greetings. 👋🏻
Centralized institutions have monopoly power in the markets for financial products and services and force you to comply with a number of requirements and regulations, as well as to pay for their services. These traditional financial systems suffer from a number of problems, which include over-centralization, opaque information, privacy risks, excessive financial control, and inequality in financial services.
✅ Totem is a decentralized financial infrastructure platform for cross-chain trading of DeFi products and financial derivatives. We aim to build a distributed financial infrastructure platform for digital assets and make blockchain technology and digital asset applications more widely accepted.
The idea is to allow anyone with Internet access to be able to lend, borrow and bank without intermediaries.
Totem’s DeFi system has three main benefits:🔹
Programmability. The ability to use smart contracts allows you to program the fulfillment of all transaction conditions and generate new financial instruments and assets.
Safety. DeFi application data is capable of being stored on hundreds and thousands of different nodes, which prevents hackers from attacking or compromising the system in order to gain control over the data. In addition, no single node in the DeFi system is able to harm the entire network, which tells us that the distribution of data storage and their confirmation occurs evenly among all network nodes.
Compatibility. The ability to share Ethereum protocols allows the various DeFi to interact with each other, which creates the opportunity for DeFi to emerge as a complete financial system.
Unlike traditional financial ecosystems, DeFi is characterized by the complete absence of intermediaries. Any dispute is automatically resolved with a code to ensure that the original terms of the contract are respected and that it is completely impartial. This significantly reduces transaction costs that do not require third party involvement.
✅ Public, private and consortium blockchains get access to the Totem network at a low cost. The Totem network makes it possible to connect the various registers of the blockchain and transfer assets across the registers. It is revolutionizing blockchain technology and transforming the blockchain network into a scalable DeFi ecosystem.
✅ The Totem platform lays the foundation for new decentralized networks, provides infrastructure for digital currencies and digital asset-based financial applications, and provides support for new financial business models, services, organizations and the entire society and economic system.
Learn more about Totem features and solutions: