Please, remove from pool list!!!
That pool doesn't payout since 5 march...
Please, edit list of pools.
Where is this idiot, who is holding this pool???
Hey man, I checked and it looks like he is just down to a single contributor, and who knows what their payout is at. I also have personally reached out to several pools, especially the auto switching and ones like hash co with no response. All I can say is I will keep trying
I promise you, I was mining here from the start. And everything was OK before 5 march. It's pity for me that I've seen this only at 8 march, that payout stopped. And for me it means that I lost about 4 days of mining.
AND as I see, you didn't remove this shitty pool from list. You think that I'm lying???
Just remove this pool from list, please.
Here's the proof, last transactions.