Announcing the TrollCoinTipBot on Reddit
The Trollcointipbot is for users of Reddit to gift (tip) Trollcoins to each other.
In order to tip others, you need to:
1) Log into or create a Reddit account
2) Register with trollcointipbot: +register
3) You will then receive an email from the trollcointipbot like this:
4) Click on +info to send an email to retrieve your new Trollcoin address. You should receive an email like this:Now you can fund your address and you can start tipping the denizens of Reddit.
If you wish to tip someone, you must go to t post and reply to it. You cannot email them a tip. You must publicly reply to it by typing:
+/u/trollcointipbot 1000 TRL
You can use trl, TRL, or trollcoin at the end. you've received a tip and haven't registered yet, you need to +accept it first, which creates an account for you.
You can then +withdraw coins and/or send tips with the command +/u/trollcointipbot to other Redditors.
Some Advantages of Trollcointipbot
* Works in every subreddit
* Tip any Redditor, he/she doesn't have to register first
* It's a free service
Here is the Wiki for the Trollcointipbot but not least you trolls. The Trollcointipbot needs your help on reddit. What we trolls need to do is go to the posts that trollcointipbot has made and you MUST upvote them. If we have enough upvotes, the bot will run much faster. Please take the time to visit the reddit page for the Trollcointipbot and upvote any posts that are posted there by the Trollcointipbot. THIS IS VERY IMPORTANT. Please no spamming. Get your friends and anyone you can find and have them go over and upvote the bot on it's reddit page.
Trollcointrollbot's Reddit Page couldn't have gotten this done without the great help of ThinkThrough on reddit
LTC LhWM5HuH1h33aa95WAsf3RtzaRdtrwZzbJ
BTC 1FpBhJpFmHXny7NZsx3TV8M6R6mRZtaEby
DOGE DE7uwRw6iT8A9wJaJtbo1RkiGrCVcm9yqc
TRL TitYqjG2az2V6BRgJjv8jqABPChhkk4utw
Also thanks to 1369 for the help!
I still think all you trolls are a bunch of bastards! Oh yeah and herpes by the way!