Jangan lupa kewajiban 15 posting perminggunya
tinggal satu minggu lagi selesai ICO
semoga sesuai harapan kita semua
Saya dapet PM dari tim wetrust di suruh kirim email apa agan dapet juga ?
Itu kirim email sekarang atau 10 april ya ?
Ane gak ada dapat kenapa ya apa sebagaian orang saja yang dapat
bisa di pastekan isi pesan nya biar wanti-wanti juga.
iya ane jg ga dapet gan, emang pm apaan ya?
ini isi Pm nya, ini dikirim ke beberapa orang sekaligus
Dear Signature Campaign participants,
Thank you for participating in Wetrust signature campaign.
The crowdsale is coming to an end on April 12th 2017 and we plan to distribute the TRST coins, shortly after.
At this point we are only missing your email address to do so.
Please send me your email address by a private message by April 10th. Please make sure that this email address matches the one you used to register on our website.
If you haven't done so yet, please register on our website
www.wetrust.io, using the same email account as you use for your bounty campaign (meaning the same email account your enter here). This step is crucial to receive your TRST coins.
Thank you,
The WeTrust team