I was asked to help with this coin since the 'devs' know nothing. Of course I said fuck no. Wouldn't touch anything with the cheeto's name on it. However, it's quite ironic, with the coin being named what it is, how the person in charge has literally no idea what they are doing. At least that gave me a chuckle knowing that it has an appropriate name
I contacted this guy to ask him about advice on the staking feature of Trumpcoin so we could pass the information to our members.
And no I did not make this coin. I just decided to get involved after seeing the way chicknes65 was running it into the ground..like he is sttill trying to do with this alt account manhunterrbtc.
I was able to work with signal7 and now many other men of honor and valor around the globe who spend their own money and time to rescue this coin from the p and d nightmare that most real investors do not engage in.
Since we did not make the coin nor have any experts on POS staking I was referred to Igot spots. for advice. I was told upfront that he was a professional. Yet he could not act like one much to the surprise of the actual professional who was kind enough to take time out of his day to refer me to igotspots. so because he listens to cnn talking points about Trump and the camera tricks they do to make his skin color looks bad he did not give us any advice on the POS staking feature of trumpcoin.
If anyone else will like to help we welcome all contributions. But the fact is that the staking is working just fine. We were just doing research because none of us trust Chickens65 since he is a consummate child and fake. So we wanted to make sure that the tech is good and safe for the investors since we know we will be blamed if something goes wrong.
And btw the igot spots guy did admit if he is wrong about the one complaint he had regarding trump and his concerns about healthcare then he would no longer have a problem with trump. Or at least that was his message to me in our chat.
I did tell him that the original scam dev paid someone to make the coin and so no even he did not code the trumpcoin himself.
So in conclusion: the original dev was a scammer. And now the coin trumpcoin was rescued by the scammer by people with moral integrity. And so now the original dev is butthurt so he trolls the coin in various alt accounts calling me and the others a scammer. And the reason he focuses more on me than the others is because I constantly expose his bs whereas the others ignore him. Also I am very committed to this coin and its future. So I am the main obstacle in his way to get back control of Trumpcoin he thinks. This also proves how dumb he is because Trumpcoin is decentralized. No one owns it and he is welcome to contribute but that is not what he wants obviously. He prefers to say scam after a big pump then get coins cheap for the next pump...