" Twenty15 Coin was conceived to be an asset backed 'sweat equity' currency. The main emphasis will be on creating assets that will generate revenue, and will also be available for purchase by other Crypto enthusiasts. These assets will be available for public demonstration or full usage, but also sold to interested parties for 2015 Coins. This will have a positive impact on the market capitlization of the project. Development will not be limited to our internal 6 person team, others are welcome to offer their products and receive payment in 2015. When 'core' functionality is released and a price sheet is available, the development timetable will be open to custom work. This means if a client wants for example, a custom exchange with a built in web store that accepts 2015 coins, that will be available in a few months.
What this does is allow developers to be paid for their work, without the standard instamine/premine pump and dump economy that prevails. The development fund will be used solely for marketing purposes, if you are an individual with a talent for 'getting the word out' please feel free to submit your ideas. Once the price sheet for assets is released, individuals who generate leads that turn into revenue will receive a commission. This will allow the community to create demand for the currency, keeping their investment healthy, while profiting from the sale of an asset.
Official block explorer: http://explorer.twenty15.pw/
Quote from: Twenty15 on 04 February 2015, 15:13:21
This is a working demonstration of our altcoin payment processor. This allows any altcoin project to sell products and services on any website. We don't have it set up as a bootstrap installer yet, it was custom developed. If a project would like to purchase this tech, we will have to log into a clean vps and configure it for them until we get an installer. You can see how it works by purchasing one of the fake products on the demo site, just use a fake e-mail address and send 1 coin to the deposit address provided, and it will mail a receipt once we receive the coin.
Once again, we can configure this to work with any bitcoin-like coin daemon. Once this is installed, people can use the same theme we did, or build a site on their own. The price for this is 750 Euros (in 2015 coins) for a basic shop, any custom development will cost extra.
http://webshop.twenty15.pwQuote from: Twenty15 on 17 January 2015, 04:47:35
Update January 16th
The multipool has been launched, it's available athttp://multipool.twenty15.pw.
Quote from: Twenty15 on 11 January 2015, 21:06:27
Update January 11th
The press release is complete, we will be sending it out to crypto news sites soon. Please download from the link below for the PDF.
http://s000.tinyupload.com/index.php?file_id=00034424905241687043Quote from: Twenty15 on 08 January 2015, 19:30:29
UPDATE 01.08.2015 Live Demo Exchange Is Ready!
This is a live demonstration of a working exchange. We have set this up to showcase one of the digital assets we can set up and support for a fee. Please click the link below and log in using:
USER: 41469952
PASS: abc12345
Registrations are disabled, along with deposits.
Please keep in mind this is not an operational exchange. We have yet to decide if we are going to run one of these businesses, we may get orders come in and have to help others run them, so we will see how it goes. If anyone is interested in this opportunity, please get in touch for pricing. If you are a Twenty15 community member and you know someone who wants an exchange, there is a 10% commission for any leads that turn into sales.
Over the next few days we will be releasing smaller updates, leading up to the multipool launch on the 13th.
http://exchange.twenty15.pwThank you for your kind words, we appreciate the support. Our goal here is to be a project that has substance, and actually delivers. We plan on making money from the support contracts we generate from any sales of our assets. The market volume that should be created from the sale of these assets should be great for the traders out there, and folks who got in early. If you are a developer of Cryptocurrency utilities and would like to create a working demo for us to sell, drop a private message. Right now the most important thing you can do to help this project is get the word out. Tweet and retweet, post on this thread, and talk about Twenty15.
Thank you, and don't hesitate to contact us if there is something not on the roadmap you would like developed or configured. "