USELESS AIRDROPPED TOKENThe first honest Airdrop ERC20 Token on Ethereum(yes, it is ERC20, let's specify it, people love ERC20 tokens!)
Send a transaction of 0 ETH to this address to get the airdrop (gas limit 120,000)(
you can get the tokens on the same address only one time)
TWITTER | BOUNTIES This is the Announcement thread of the Useless Airdropped Token, the first of its kind that is 100% honest!A lot of airdrop are spawning these days, and most of them are deployed as Ethereum token; just have a look here: principle is always the same: go on GitHub or Stack Overflow, take a random solidity code, change some line and give it a fancy name using another most famous crypto (best working name are "Ethereum [
insert-random-color-here]" or "Bitcoin [
insert-random-color-here]", but you can even mix Ethereum with another currency, just like "Ethereum Monero", "Ethereum Bitcoin", "Ethereum [
After that, announce it on BitcoinTalk saying it is faster than Bitcoin, it is better than Bitcoin, it is safer than Bitcoin, it is [
anything-you-want] more than Bitcoin; give it away for free as an airdrop and list it on Etherdelta. Just wait for the price to rise and when you get on CoinMarketCap dump everything on buyers. That's it!
What we are giving you here is the perfect example of an airdropped token, but unless their predecessors it is 100% honest:
IT WILL DO NOTHING AT ALL!- It is fast just like Ethereum is
- It is safe just like Ethereum is
- It is everything like every other Ethereum free token is!SOME SPECIFICATIONSContract address: 0x5fa1Ea99eb3Acc1f9E84cF28Fde6431B8FDC9dc0
Token name: UselessAirdroppedToken
Symbol: UAT
Decimals: 8
Total Supply: 50,000,000 UAT
The token is capped at 50 millions and it is also burnable, so the total supply can be reduced if we want to.
The distribution will be:
80% - Market Share (40,000,000)
15% - Reserved for devs (7,500,000)
5% - Bounties (2,500,000) (they will be burned if unused)
You can get the tokens sending a transaction of 0 ETH to the contract address; you will get back
1,000 500 UAT. Don't forget to set a gas limit of 120,000! (you can get the tokens on the same address only one time)
This is the first distribution rate, we will change it later by reducing it.
DISTRIBUTION RATEThe distribution rate will decrease through time, halving every 10 millions tokens distributed.
0 to 10,000,000 --> 1,000 UAT10,000,001 to 20,000,000 --> 500 UAT <-- we are here
20,000,001 to 30,000,000 --> 250 UAT
30,000,001 to 40,000,000 --> 125 UAT
In this way there will be a total of 150,000 possible transactions
THE PROJECT> The aim of the project is to have profitable, secure and anonymous trading.
> We will release a wallet and blockchain explorer for Windows, Linux and macOS.
> Integration of smart contracts to solve the scaling problem of Ethereum blockchain (no more kitties spamming us!)
> A decentralized payments system that will be involving physical merchants, online point-of-sale and user-to-user transfers.bullshit, the token does nothing
ROADMAPFREE DISTRIBUTION --> TRADE ON ETHERDELTA --> MORE EXCHANGES --> JOHN MCAFEE TWEET ABOUT US --> MOON SOON --> BIG MONEY --> $$$EXCHANGESAs every Ethereum token out there, the first exchange will be Etherdelta (just put the contract address in the url and you're done! Tricky, isn't it?) you want to trade your beloved UAT in other exchanges, here's how to do it: