If you are legit and not a scammer, please buy some tokens as a sign of good faith before contacting me on Telegram
Buy your UCIFETH tokens for only 0.0001 ETH !
https://ucifeth.tech/dashboard.htmlOffer end soon !
Earn 1% in 24 hours by staking the UCIFETH tokens
Withdraw anytime you like
Only 0.0001 ETH per token for a limited time
UCIFETH / ETH Atomic Swaps coming soon!
Doubt this investment works? Put your doubts at ease and buy 100 tokens. Stake them and come back 24 hours .later and withdraw them/ It'll only cost you 0,0100 ETH
less than $3.00 USD
Welcome to UCIFETH
Mission: Launched on April 15, 2020 by a team from India , the Universal Crypto Investment Fund ETH aims to handle the problem of Universal Basic Income by providing a source of income. When the user buys and stakes the token on the staking platform, they will begin accumulating dividends. The dividends as well as the staked tokens can be withdrawn at anytime and sold back via the Atomc Swap. All transactions are made via MetaMask smart contracts. The dividends payments come from the UCIFETH Dividend Pool.
1-Buy the UCIFETH token
2- Stake the tokens by entering the amount to be staked and entering the number of the person that referred you (enter 1 if no one) and click Stake
3- Return after 24 hours and withdraw the tokens by clicking Withdraw Stake
4- Re-stake the tokens or list them for sale
UCIFETH now on dapp radar!
When you stake the tokens, you'll begin accumulating dividends at a rate of 1% in 24 hours. You can withdraw the tokens anytime you like and re-stake them or sell them via Atomic Swaps (coming soon.)
If you believe that this project is fake and doesn't work, I'll refund your money.
If you don't make 1% in 24 hours, I'll refund your money.
The project was launched on April 15th 2020 and has been paying every day since.
to get started with my investment, first install and setup MetaMask
https://metamask.io/Then send me your MetaMask wallet address and I'll send you some Ethereum so that you can buy and stake the tokens.
I personally guarantee that If you don't make 1% in 24 hours, I'll refund your money for a risk-less transactions.
Cash flow opportunity -
1-Buy the tokens for 0.0001 ETH each
2- Stake the tokens and earn 1% in 24 hours
3- Withdraw and sell the tokens for 0.00001 to the BUYBACK Pool
4- Re-stake the tokens
Cash flow opportunity -
1-Buy the tokens for 0.0001 ETH each
2- Stake the tokens and earn 1% in 24 hours
3- Withdraw and sell the tokens for 0.00001 to the BUYBACK Pool
4- Re-stake the tokens
When you stake the tokens, you'll begin accumulating dividends at a rate of 1% in 24 hours. You can withdraw the tokens anytime you like and re-stake them or sell them via Atomic Swaps (coming soon.)
make extra money by selling cryptocurrency
unlimited earning potential
start with as little as $25 bucks
Avoid the Coronavirus. Stay home and make money with UCIFETH
Here's how -
1- Install and setup the MetaMask Chrome Extension
https://metamask.io/2- Buy $25 worth of Ethereum from Gemini Cryptocurrency Exchange
https://gemini.com/3- Send the Ethereum that you just bought to MetaMask
4- With MetaMask running, go to
https://ucifeth.tech/dashboard.html5- Scroll down and BUY 500 tokens
6- Scroll down and STAKE 500 tokens
7- Scroll down and click GENERATE REFERRAL LINK. When someone stakes the tokens and enters your Referral ID number, you'll get 1% of what they stake
8- Come back after 24 lhours or later and click Withdraw Stake
9- Sell the tokens for 0.1 ETH each (almost $25 each) (coming soon)
10- Share your Referral ID and the website and tell them to Buy and Stake the tokens (they'll be buying the tokens directly from you once the Atomic Swaps goes live):
preview -
https://ibb.co/PwSbF2fQ - "Why would anyone want to buy the tokens?
A - UCIFETH is the ONLY cryptocurrency token that pays a 1% dividend after 24 hours of staking. All in a fully decentralized and autonomous manner, utilizing MetaMask smart contracts.
[moderator's note: consecutive posts merged]