I really like the idea of this project about the eradication of air pollution that is needed in today's environment, especially big cities, and of course such a concept needs a mature planning because of course it should work with the local government
may i know about the roadmap? it is urgently needed the investor to really understand the next plan of this project, thank you and good luck
Thank you very much for the encouraging words
You're 100% right. These kinds of projects need a very mature plan and working very closely with city councils and Mayors. We have been at it for the last 6 months but it's still long until we can achieve full collaboration. Governments move slowly, and they want all the figures upfront with as close to 100% certainty as possible before moving on to a decision phase.
Let me get into a little bit of detail on how we generate the data.
So one of the reasons we will provide accurate proof of work of the units is because each of them senses the air composition on the beginning and then again at the end, just after the air has been cleaned. The difference in this data (acknowledging and adding the error/variance) will be the difference we create on the air quality and composition and any reduction will be 'validated'. This increases in accuracy (at scale) because it's a system of units recalibration of sensors usually with lab testing facilities but that goes for another talk.
This data then needs to be contrasted periodically with an independent audit. That will show your numbers are solid.
However, to do so the initial stages are to produce the machines and emplace them on the street - so we can test them and gather such data. At least for a small test.
This is mission critic for us, as is the blockchain part of it beacause of validity. So our next steps are to finish building a prototype unit to be presented to them. They have been exposed to the idea and model but until we don't have something working in front of them, it's going to be very difficult to move forward. But as I said, I'm engaged with some bodies of the city government and will try to keep pushing for them to give us a yes as soon as possible. This side needs an injection of cash (apart from my own) that I'm trying to get by applying for grants, private capital and working with some private companies in the sector.
The system that's gathering the data and our servers are pretty much done for v.1. The DAPP Air Bastion, which plays another critical role is being developed at the moment and it's not yet operating.
So roadmap for the short term is (graphically) || I hope you appreciate the concurrent requests
Request: money -----------------------------------> Incoming || Pre-ICO || Request: DAPP devlopment ---------------------------> In process
Request: unit --------------------------------------------> Test prototype ready || ICO || Request: DAPP + gathering system --------------------> Testing
Request: in-house testing ---------------------------------->Approved || || Request: soft ready -----------------------------------------> Live
Request: permission ----------------------------------------------> Granted! || ||
Also, you can see our roadmap in our ICO page (
www.pureairindustries.com/ico.html) and also there is a Trello board where we update our roadmap (
https://trello.com/b/xlIevqQf/pureair-roadmap) that needs an update shortly.
Sorry if it was a little bit long - but hope it helps