We would like to remind everyone that we're coming up on 1 month of USDe's existence. Yes, we have had a few bumps in the road, but none of them will prevent us from continuing and reaching our goals. A lot of our users will undoubtedly come across lots of new coins that are released in the meantime, some may even be legitimate, but please remember that USDe is not a joke, abandon, or pump and dump coin, but a project, which we are actively developing and shaping to compete with the same fiat currencies that you convert your cryptocurrency coins into.
We are very far from USDe's value at maturity and are working on securing a big investment into our project. This thread has been a little quieter than usual, but this isn't at all a reflection of the continued interest in USDe. We realize that some in our community measure success by the amount of chatter that happens on this thread - and therefore if anyone of our more vocal supporters would like to take a more active role in keeping things alive here at bitcointalk, please e-mail [email protected], so we can discuss.
A few highlights of the things we're working on:
- New Windows wallet - should be released in the next 24-48hrs
- Updates to the Web Site, including publishing of first blogs
- Securing appropriate partnerships and connections to bring about tangible services and places where USDe can be spent and traded for goods and services
- SEO / Internet-based marketing and press exposure is underway, and is being handled by a professional marketing company
- By the end of next weekend / Monday, you should expect a big, positive surprise - we may be able to share more details on what it is either on Friday or Saturday
- We are also developing a Foundation for USDe, which will be used to raise funds that will help with spinning up additional sites & services outside of those we are already planning. If you hold a large amount of USDe (above 2M) you can make your pledge public here towards this community-driven effort or contact us for more details.
Thank you for your continued support. Have a great rest of your weekend!
GO USDe!!!