USDe Contest Submission
As I look at the fact that the USD (fiat). is being propped up and many people are getting hurt who oppose it, let's consider that I am one small man writing to win a contest. I'm stating the truth no less, so let's look at WHY there is a need to convert some of your assets to USDe (cryptocurrency).
The USD is the premier currency used by the world to buy oil, just like Bitcoin is right now to Alt cryptos. We've seen leaders of countries, that have ruled for decades taken down for trying to oppose the USD as the medium of exchange for oil (see Libyia and Iraq). Both leaders of these countries attempted to create a new medium of exchange to compete with the USD for oil. As you know they were both killed and their respective countries quickly abandoned those plans.
The reason such extreme measures were taken (see the military industrial complex was called upon to stop them) is because the powers that be knew that there was A LOT of support for a new medium exchange for oil. There were actual wars fought to stop this from happening. If the USD lost its place, the value gained by being THE currency that MUST be used to purchase the worlds most precious commodity would disappear.
So if we realize that the USD is being propped up by forced use, it shows us where it gets a lot of its value. Imagine if Cryptsy were shut down for using XPM and LTC as a medium of exchange, or Coinedup for using DOGE. If these things happened, of course the value of Bitcoin would sky rocket, but wouldn't that be artificial value? This is where we are when it comes to USD.
When a currencies value is derived by being propped up, what happens when it can't be propped up anymore? Well, people will turn to a new medium of exchange for oil. What do you think they will turn to? Well, they definitely won't turn to other fiat currencies that are being propped up with less success. They will at first turn to gold, but that won't be the only thing they use. Hauling that much gold around is an expensive job in and of itself, though it will be done, other ways will be sought out. Remember, this time there won't be a military industrial complex forcing countries to stick with only gold as a medium of exchange for oil.
Enter USDe.
The general public will turn to cryptos before the dollar falls. What are they going to choose? Imagine you know nothing about cryptos and you're looking for something easily used, ,secure, and most important, can't lose it's value by the endless creation of it.
The general public will see the value of cryptos, and one will be adopted more than the others. Remember, they are new to cryptos. Are people going to choose Bitcoin, Litecoin, Primecoin, or Dogecoin? Maybe, but I doubt it. Remember, this is the general public. They haven't been into cryptos all this time. So put yourself in their shoes. You know nothing, and you are choosing one that is like the USD, but without the pitfalls. Take a look at the list folks, and what do you think will be the first coin they will "click" on and check out? The general public will be looking for the USD of cryptos. It really is that simple. It's vaule will continue to increase as more and more people flock to it. And yes people, I said flock, and believe me it's the perfect word in this case.
When the USD is in danger of using losing its place as a medium of exchange for oil, they will print more and more as fast as they possibly can. This will go down in history as the reason the dollar fell, but it will be the last nail in the coffin, not the coffin itself. It's all about what the media will promote, and they are going to focus on the "last nail", not the many real reasons the dollar fell.
Smart, and yes rich and powerful people will see the writing on the wall as soon as they start printing more than they do now. Some have already seen this "writing", and you folks, are the first!!
Again, we must focus on MASS ADOPTION.
People WILL realize cryptos are the answer, and this is months or years out, but not too far into the future. At this time, USDe will be one of the oldest cryptos, not new as it is now.
It will have what everyone is looking for, it will simply be the dollar without the pitfalls.
It can't be mass printed
It is secure
It's decentralized
It's easily used
Most importantly?
It's serious in the mind of the general public.
It's not named after something they do on their grill, or their cat, etc. It's not some weird name they never heard of. Remember, you are way ahead of the curve here. You have realized the value of cryptos before the general public, the hard thing to do here is to think like someone who hasn't. Still don't believe me?
Try this test. Take and make a list of the 9 cryptos that you feel have the potential of becoming adopted by the general public, and for number 10 put the USDe on the list somewhere in there. Take that list to your friends and family and ask them which one you should invest in.
I think that will be all the proof you need.
+1 Entered. Thank you!