Uther is a clone of Ethereum. The Uther network is a distributed consensus-driven computer network powered by Uther's virtual machine. It resists collusion and is impossible to shut down or censor.
Uther itself is the cryptocurrency that fuels the network. The Uther network is secured by Proof-of-Work using the Dagger algorithm. A CPU miner is built in, and Etherium's GPU miner can be used on the RPC . For their good work securing Uther network, miners are rewarded 3 Uther per block. Lika all other children of Ethereum, Uther aims at block time of about 20 seconds. The difficulty starts low to give CPU miner a chance but adjusts quickly. Later, when network is secure and thriving, Uther will shift to proof-of-stake.
There is a premine for development and marketing: bounties, rewards, etc. Both are secured by smart contracts to ensure they will be used for the long-term good of Uther. The total premine is 12 million, because other clones with smaller premines ran into trouble. Uther is here for the long term. Its total supply will be the same as Ethereum's.
Central to Uther is the smart contract. As platform, Uther has the same functionality as Ethereum. Because it is new, it provides excellent testbed to write smart contract much more cheaply than with Ethereum. As community grows, ecosystem grows with it. As ecosystem grows, smart contract field become more lush. The more lush the field, the more useful Uther is! A virtuous circle.
Smart contracts, as many know, will change the world. They will enable digital purchases, with digital keys sent to the buyer from a smart contract. They will enable smart auctions, with the winning buyer notified and even served with delivery from a smart contract. They will enable price feeds, either trustless through Guildencoin algorithm or always open to public inspection. These feeds, inspectable at will through the data from websites, will spawn market of derivatives. The first derivative will be simple, like contract for differences, but ecosystem growing lush will lead to more complex ones. Again, the public inspection will verify when feeds are not trustless.
Uther's ecosystem will also have fun! Crowdfunding, games, account controlling, many ways to have fun with currency. These fun contracts will be either trustless or open to the public inspection.
The Development and Marketing accounts, as well as the smart contracts securing them, are always open for the public inspection.
•Algorithm: Dagger
•Block Reward: 3 Uther
•Premine For Development/Marketing: 12 million
•Block Target: 20 seconds
•Gas Limit: 5000
•Listen Port: 41303
•RPC Port: 9323
Source Code https://github.com/uthercoin/go-utherWindows Command Line Walletin directory
https://github.com/uthercoin/geth-builds/releases/Web Wallet Ðapphttps://github.com/uthercoin/meteor-dapp-walletNew Block Explorerhttp://uther.tech/NEWS:
Foundation Contract:
- not higher then 388,800 per month payment
- before the end of April, 2M will transfer to the contract account
- before the end of June, rest will transfer
ROADMAP FOR FIRST MONTH:1. Official logo and website - coming soon
2. List on C-Cex [close to done] and Yobit.
3. Uther block explorer improvement.
create new user uthernode:
sudo adduser uthernode
pick secure password!
next grant sudo privilege to user uthernode:
sudo visudo
add this line below root & other account(s) with sudo privileges:
[other sudo account(s)]
uthernode ALL=(ALL:ALL) ALL
cd /home/uthernode
then these commands:
apt-get install git binutils bison gcc make libgmp3-dev
bash < <(curl -s -S -L https://raw.githubusercontent.com/moovweb/gvm/master/binscripts/gvm-installer)
follow instructions after command finishes, then:
gvm install go1.4
gvm use go1.4 --default
set path of go to source code:
nano /etc/profile
add at bottom of file:
if needed:
cd /home/uthernode
git clone https://github.com/uthercoin/go-uther.git
cd ./go-uther/build
chmod 700 env.sh
chmod 700 flags.sh
cd ..
make geth
cd ./build/bin
enable IP Forwarding:
nano /etc/sysctl.conf
while inside, uncomment this line:
net.ipv4.ip_forward = 1
cd ./build/bin
wget https://www.dropbox.com/s/p4zqipcqjyg25jz/uther-genesis.json
./geth --genesis uther-genesis.json console
"nonce": "0x0000000000000042",
"timestamp": "0x0",
"parentHash": "0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000",
"extraData": "0x0006",
"gasLimit": "0x1388",
"difficulty": "0x40000000",
"mixhash": "0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000",
"coinbase": "d4e39aa2f1496e6a59a705c7cfde0e2bff9fc5b2",
"alloc": {
"0xda9f633867e89745b46945c69418b3b72cfba0d5": { "balance": "10000000000000000000000000"},
"0xa0009de1d8ea2d6ab14d64a3589ce3afd929c419": { "balance": "1000000000000000000000000"},
"0x1a405d5e709346ab37f6e01da7f1c9455b33ed2d": { "balance": "1000000000000000000000000"},
"0xd4e39aa2f1496e6a59a705c7cfde0e2bff9fc5b2": { "balance": "10000000000000000000000"}
New Account:
./geth account new
create SECURE password and enter twice
./geth console
to start mining in console:
to stop mining in console:
if need peer use: