I did not know that with the help of IoT devices, Vanig wants to monitor deliveries to the end customer so that not only will they always know the exact location, but also what temperature is currently in the package. Good feature
Wow. Seriously they can do that?? I mean they can monitor a package's temperature sent out for delivery?? Never knew about that. That's really cool.
This is the beauty of IoT devices and automation which could seriously make a positive outcome on many business' in the future. Resulting in alot more profits for company and a reason why I think this could be implemented
They can keep track of temperature of the package as well? Is this really possible? I still can't believe that but I know technology changing fast so with IoT its possible.
Yea it is very possible. At the basic level the IoT device would be made of thermometer, simple processor, battery. Like I said this is just a basic assumption in reality the device would be made of more complex gadget
So at any point in time the device can be queried for readings. I think incorporating this technology is very good