Vialectrum 3.1 !
Memory-pool based fee estimation. Dynamic fees can target a desired
depth in the memory pool.
A new version of the Electrum protocol is required by the client
(version 1.2).
Capital gains: For each outgoing transaction, the difference
between the acquisition and liquidation prices of outgoing coins is
displayed in the wallet history. By default, historical exchange
rates are used to compute acquisition and liquidation prices. These
values can also be entered manually, in order to match the actual
price realized by the user. The order of liquidation of coins is
the natural order defined by the blockchain; this results in
capital gain values that are invariant to changes in the set of
addresses that are in the wallet. Any other ordering strategy (such
as FIFO, LIFO) would result in capital gain values that depend on
the presence of other addresses in the wallet.
Faster sync time, syncs within seconds now --> Checkpoints: The initial download of a headers file was replaced
with hardcoded checkpoints. The wallet uses one checkpoint per
retargeting period. The headers for a retargeting period are
downloaded only if transactions need to be verified in this period.
and more
Good work, I think that Viacoin is a precious gem !