the crowfund has ended at 6060 sat then we are again really close to this price , nothing to worry for the real investor that dont fall in this blatant price manipulation!
- over 50k were stolen and dumped below cf
- rich list sold all of their staking - free money
- @14k sat holders, including BobSurplus, dumped
- 30 btc buy wall pulled and dump began immediately after
- who has that kind of scratch? in all likelihood that person did the dump. probably a team approach.
price indices suggest 3k sat. i predicted that price yesterday but i was wrong on time. not on bottom. coin has failed due to market manipulation. same ole same ole in crypto. dump all you have now so at least you get something back
You are delusional to think that this coin suround 1 individual there is over 700 active adresses. by looking at the rich list all the top adresses remained around the same amount of coins but this is something you didnt take the time to look at. This dump is mainly panic sell from average amounts holders as observed in the rich list once again.
And by the way if i was a big holder and would have dumped all my coins i wouldnt keep on promoting it on social network because obviously i wouldnt give a fuck no more and as you can see bob is still promoting it and i have no doubt he didnt sell his coins or maybe just a couple thousand which is his right to do so.
People who don't understand the concept here will keep onc rying about these dumps , the big picture shows that these dumps are completely powerless faced to the potential funding that will get injected into the markets from the advertisers.