OK this coin is fully functional and looks to be being manipulated to drive value down for someone to buy cheap coin if you pay attention to things this coin is being bought alot I want to add this coin was massively mined up like it was going out of style and most of them that mass mined it are holding and staking.
both the wallet and coins POS function work perfectly and POS has further benefits to it other than just producing more coin it also further secures the coin and blockchain pay attention to this coin it has all the signs that its value will go up granted at sec its value is being driven down but look at the numbers alot of buys.
everything points to value being manipulated and being driven down this is all well known signs to look for with a coin with massive potential pay attention to the amount of buys on this coin granted the way it is being done keeps value down but still people are buying it up fast.
there is over 1BTC worth of buy of west coin today alone at these prices 1BTC of west coin is a massive amount of coin so do the math. at current ask price of 0.00000461 1btc worth of buy is 230k of west coin and there has been over 1BTC worth of buy today alone.
I also want to point out staking offers 15% increase in coin so 230k worth of west coin will earn additional 34,500 west coins that is another reason why it is being bought up and manipulated to drive prices down for people to get cheap coin.
I also want to say if dev has already dumped his premine then we have nothing to worry about coins fully functional and wallet also what will control the coins value is us the users of it.
You know what, I was thinking along those lines. I cant understand why this coin wasn't a hit from the get go. Very small number of coins available and also pos and it works!!
I have no idea of coding but if I did I would be looking at the code right now to see if the devs had done an asia coin on us and coded in a huge number of coins that they are still dumping??
If they have and its gone unnoticed they must have made a killing by now
If the coin is clean IT needs actively promoting and pushing to the masses, at its price point now its very attractive to investors and the coin could and should grow.
Just my twopence worth as I mined from the start and would love it to be a success