REUBO BUILDINGSCheck out these Reubo buildings for Taurion:
Taurion is a fully decentralised blockchain MMO game with true ownership. #Blockchain is more than just a buzzword or hashtag for us.
This looks exactly like 2002 Space Rangers game. u borrowed sentries and defense towers design from RPG game while also violating their ownership rights, now belonging to me as outlined in a license agreement between Pixar and the company which developed the original game. Earth will soon be shuttered by aftereffects of Pixar's menacing response to dishonourable actions of yours.
Taurion didn't copy you bro...
2002 Space Rangers looks like every Turn based space trading game before it. I could contact previous game devs before yours and show where your art and strat copies dozens of games and they can sue Pixar. You know who you copied "Gash".....
Get real! I was a game designer as well in the 80s. The motherfukin 80s! Shall I sue you gash for copying my games from 30+ years ago? I wrote a game design passed around to EA execs and top game devs there in the late 80s and it is Copywritten and sits in the Library on Congress. The Resident Evil movie reads almost page for page as a copy of my design. And many elements from Half Life copy my designs. Escape from a corporate/government experiment gone wrong. I didn't, wouldn't, and couldn't do anything about it anyways. My ideas came from books I read. It probably did influence their ideas. I was contacted many times to build it but was too young and in school. So they all took it and used it in their minds. These guys went to many different game companies and Hollywood after EA. I'm fine with that. I used previous ideas to build mine.
I got a good lol though Gash... ty. *Pats Gash on Back*
A good read for you :"you can’t copyright: mechanics"
Taurion is doing just fine with it's design. Keep up the good work guys. Leagues ahead of any other blockchain based game.