2FA to cerium.info is a good idea.
Dont hurry up security is very important.
Also would like to hear about staking pool how will it work. just a litle bit confused about it.
Slowly but surely wins the race. dont wont to advertice but it took 2 months for gambit coin to start operating some noticeable sums.
may be you can make vote on dividents say if shareholders vote for all earnings of this weak to be added into trade fund or other staff like that.
2fa is a good idea i am on board with that i will find out how easy it is to do,
theres going to be a general revamp of our POS around the time of the staking pool being released with a few things being considered:
buying and burning should be going very nicely and we hope to reduce the supply to around 1.5mil when the supply is lower the staking rate will increase to keep amount of coins in circulation around 1.5/1.7 mil.
also the staking pool will have a higher pos rate than a regular wallet so it makes it profitable to be involved in that.
so what you are saying about rewards is generally you and others won't mind if you dont get a payout and it goes towards the fund?