Did you miss CLAM free distribution? Wait for XCLAM!
Counterparty asset inspired in CLAM.
XCLAM's where sent to BACON, ARGENBITS and DOGEDIGGERS users proportionally to the quantity of holding assets.
These 3 assets where selected for redeeming XCLAM's because those were the ones with higher distribution rate.
How to redeem XCLAM?
If you have BACON, ARGENBITS or DOGEDIGGERS you already have XCLAMs.
Just login in your account!
Read about: XCLAM's.
Coin Type: Dogeparty Asset
Max coins issuing: 1'000'000 XCLAM's
Locked issuing
First distribution: 24 of july - 1'000'000 XCLAM's
0.665 XCLAM's per each BACON
3.326 XCLAM's per each ARGENBITS
9.505 XCLAM's per each DOGEDIGGES
Secound distribution: ? - 500'000 XCLAM's
[unknown] XCLAM's per each
[unknown] XCLAM's per each
[unknown] XCLAM's per each
Bounties and prices: 200'000 XCLAM's
Everybody is invited to join and help in the project. There will be bounties soon.
Please give coments!
See you soon!
Bounties will be updated here:
- First 5 people that comments with their addresses: 10 XCLAM
- Making a nice picture for the post: 5'000 XCLAM
- Donations that help cover the distribution fees: 10'000 XCLAM per XDP donated (and fraction).