It looks like Azure changed their free trial rules and their pricing. The 20 CPU limit seems to be gone, but pricing wise it seems like you get the best bang for your buck if you have lots of little A0 VMs instead of a few big ones (the cheapest is ~$14/month, which goes pretty far against the free $200 you get).
So far, I'm seeing over 2kH/s on each worker, which by itself sucks
, but multiplied out might make a difference. I'll let you know how it goes...
Nice update.
I'm mining using some instances on Google Cloud compute.
I have four n1-standard-2 instances, which are the largest that can be used during the free trial. The hash rate is a bit variable, but in general I'm seeing somewhere between 12-17kH/s for each core (I run each on a separate worker). At times I've seen them as high as 23-24kH/s.
In 13 days I've burned $42 of my $300 trial credit. It all has to be used in 60 days.
I also had $25 credit at AWS. I've been running a c4.large EC2 spot instance over there, which usually has a slightly higher hash rate than the Google instances.