how many coins should i start with minimum?
also how do i go about splitting up my inputs into small sizes?
im also asking the dev team at posw to see if they would add your coin.
THanks for the advice,
I read through all posts old and new and am proud to be a member of this forum. I have plans on investing in coin and getting my POS wallet working. Awesome work so far.
Have a great day,
As mentioned before a tip to stake most is to split up your inputs in very small sizes to try avoiding hitting the 16.18 max stake.
If you need any help or any questions, do not be afraid of posting them!
Happy staking!
Then choose send, now you have a new box named inputs in send menu.
When you click on that you are able to choose the inputs you want to split up.
Choose the input with smallest amounts of confirmations, and send it to yourself using the custom changeaddress option to be the same as your main staking address.
This way you "split" your input to two inputs.
Another way without using the custom change address option is to choose the input with smallest amounts of confirmation, and send the amount you want your inputs to be sized at to your main staking addy.
The remaining of that block will go to a "change" address in your wallet, where you can select it again and continue splitting until you have reached your target.
A automatic way, which however takes longer time is to set the desired block size in the option meny "staking" tab.
Now your wallet will automatic split all stakes larger than your desired target.
If this is confusing, tell me where you are stuck and i will help you out further..
Luckily, it seem you managed to find it anyway,and are on your way to max your stakes.
If you have the option auto optimize checked, the wallet will keep the inputs at your desired size and not combine them.
Happy staking!