英文版ANN出来了 稍后整理翻译 https://bitcointalksearch.org/topic/m.35422678“光速”付款确认
https://twitter.com/XUEZcoin XUEZ is a community-based project, aiming to address the inherent problems plaguing Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies.
Understanding the importance of anonymity (through the implementation of ZeroCoin Protocol) as well as usability, XUEZ provides a large block size that results in very fast transaction times.
The official XUEZ wallet encapsulates both form and function. With a clean UI and functions such as PoS (Proof of Stake), Masternode, encrypted messages and P2P.
Masternode capabilities as well as PoS (Proof of Stake) ensure the stability of our network as well as providing high ROI to our community members.
Due to several factors which caused XIOS to become very unstable, unusable and undeveloped project; We, the current development team and the
community decided that we cannot simply wait for something to happen and decided to take over and ensure that this project keeps moving forward.
We believe that this Project has the capabilities of empowering the community through the power of the blockchain.
Project ran by the Community for the Community.
A swap procedure; from XIOS to XUEZ, has taken place in order to take-over the project, most importantly to enable the team to redevelop and build the project,
gain full access to allow full development as well as the ability to enlist the project on more exchanges.
This in-turn will increase the overall market value and reputation of XUEZ
It is crutial to note that, we are not simply a fork of Xios, but we are a continuation of Xios.
Operating under a different codebase and structure detailed below.
XEVAN was chosen for XUEZ as the Algorithm upon which the code is based, Xevan hashing algorithm beeing an unique combination of dual X17 algorithm with a 128 bit headers.
Xevan was first founded and used by BitSend (BSD) and later on many coins started implementing this as it has been proven to be an ASIC resistant, stable and energy efficient algorithm.
XIOS 公告贴
硬币总量: 2100万
区块时长: 60秒
成熟度: 10区块
设定的区块时间: 60秒每区块
难度重新设定: 每个区块
PoW 阶段 60% 节点 40% 采矿
PoS 阶段 60% 节点 40% 桩(PoS)
PoS+主节点管理 阶段 60% 节点 30% PoS 10% 基金
桩_目前最低要求(Staking) 200 币
节点要求: 1000 币
PoW/PoS 过渡阶段—————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————
从区块 至区块 奖励率 备注
1 9 244621.01 交换的预挖
10 500 0.01 公平分配时期
501 43200 2.5 PoW 阶段始终
42300 525599 2.5 PoS 阶段开始
525600 1051199 1.55 PoS 直到最多奖励达到
年份 从区块 至区块 奖励率 Total Coins Mined 备注
0 1 9 244621.01 2,201,589.09 从XIOS交换至XUEZ
0 11 500 0.1 2,201,594.09 公平分配时期
0 501 525599 2.5 3,515,591.59 过渡阶段
1 525600 1051199 1.55 5,147,888.17 ----
2 1051200 1576799 0.96 6,668,661.87 ----
3 1576800 2627999 0.60 8,242,962.16 ----
5 2628000 4204799 0.37 9,807,484.42 ----
8 4204800 6832799 0.23 11,386,583.11 ----
13 6832800 11037599 0.14 12,970,963.16 ----
21 11037600 17870399 0.10 14,758,003.06 奖励限制到达
34 17870400 28907999 0.10 17,648,802.96 ----
55 28908000 52559999 0.10 20,539,602.86 ----
100 52560000 无限 0.10 无限 ----
• 多重签名的托管
• 最多16个签名的第三方托管
• 钱包内置的简易管理多重签名的使用者界面
• 自助的市场
• 去中心化和安全的市场
• 使用者创造并运营
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• 设置费用、商家合同的数量
• 熟悉的操作
• 端对端加密信息
• SureSpot 风格的信息方式
• 端对端加密
• 多个媒体支持
• 自毁消息
• 公共和私密的讨论组(群)