Lately I have seen several Devs who seemed to be honest and responsible, told "I will never-ever abandon this", but then just shamefacedly disappeared. I don't like superheroes, as most of them just like to show off. Who promises much, delivers almost nothing.
Anyway... back to topic... Related to your question on "listen=1", I cannot tell for sure, but suppose it allows to get access to the wallets running behind NAT. If you do not listen for connections, you will connect only to the peers you know, while if you are open and listening, some unknown peers could find you from behind their firewalls and NATs. Thus you get more connections. Its the same as with Torrents. If you have real and open IP, you will get much more peers than if you are behind company firewall NAT machine and are not visible from outside.
I am seeing the same thing; Devs who seem absolutely intelligent and honorable, and who disappear without a trace after a month or a few months for no apparent reason.
I was thinking about this phenomenon, and also thinking about how much time I spend asking on these forums if anyone has any addnodes when wallets inevitably dwindle down to 0 connections.
To this end, I am offering up a service: I will host a nodes for coins for a very affordable 0.1 BTC / year. Any Dev or community can afford this, and it would guarantee at least one node running 24/7 for a year or more.
For my test run, I will host Vibranium for free for a year. You can use:
Yes, I registered the domain for this service. Please feel free to use it in your Vibranium.conf, and please let me know if you see any issues with this node. It should show up as if you enter "getpeerinfo" in your debug window. I would love to hear some feedback before fully launching this service.
If anyone is reading this and wants a node hosted for .1 BTC / year for your favorite coin, please feel free to PM me!